12 | Celebrate

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When Hagami and her family, and Shisui, walked into the Uchiha Clan grounds, Hagami was shocked to see that half of the Uchiha were there to greet them at the entrance. Hagami looked to Mikoto for an explanation and then to Fugaku, who had an uncharacteristic smile on his face. But it wasn't any smile, it only held pride with specks of true happiness. Hagami knew that Fugaku cared for her like a daughter, but she wished he wasn't too prideful over small things as such.

An Uchiha member rushed up to her, a kunai in her hands. There was a small tag on it which Hagami immediately recognized as a paper bomb. Her eyes narrowed toward it but took it nonetheless. Pricking her finger, but not breaking the skin, to test how sharp the kid had made it. She twirled it for a few seconds and then glanced at the little girl that gave it to her.

"Matte (Wait)! Matte, matte!"The girl shrieked when Hagami was about to tuck it away. But in reality, she was about to throw it before the paper bomb went off. "Watch! Watch!" She said jumping up and down. She made the basic hand seal and Hagami yelped holding the kunai away from her face. "See? See? It'll explode into confetti!" She jumped up and down excitedly as she tried to make the sign again.

The tag on the end of the kunai lit up on her third time she weaved the sign and Hagami shrieked when the it went off. She was worried for nothing, perhaps her nerves were too focused on her exams still for different shreds of colored paper showered over Hagami seconds later. Everyone laughed at her reaction and Hagami couldn't help but join in. Sasuke was the next to approach her and he wrapped his small hands around her wrist.

"Congratulations Onēsan!" Sasuke said looking up at her with admiring eyes. Hagami returned a closed eye smile for him and patted his head twice with her free hand. "You're going to be taking dangerous missions now aren't you? I want you to be careful Onēsan!"

"I will Sasuke, I promise." Hagami assured happily. She unlatched one of the pockets of her flak jacket an a small scroll fell out. When she opened it, it was rather small. Weaving the same simple hand sign the girl had before to activate the paper bomb, Hagami made a small bracelet from silver with the Uchiha Crest on it and handed it to Sasuke. "Keep this, I made it. Always hold the Uchiha Clan's members and those you hold dear close to your heart. We'll always be with you." She folded Sasuke hand closed around the bracelet. "Hope it's not too girly." She joked and everyone around laughed as Sasuke tucked it away. "Alright, if this is a celebration of some sort, lets go party!" Hagami's voice changed from a weary and caring voice to a happy and celebratory voice that shocked most having not heard her this way. Hagami lead the way through the crowd, pulling Sasuke and Itachi behind her. A bright smile lingered on her face.

Otousan planned I'd pass the Jōnin Exams. Lingered in the back of Hagami's mind as she stopped at the first shop that had food. The first thing she grabbed was a chicken-on-a-stick and threw one at Sasuke knowing he'd like it. For Itachi, she grabbed a stick of dango and handed it to him.

"I bet I can finish it before you!" Hagami challenged as she bit down. She ate as fast as she could only to realize that Itachi had beaten her.

"Looks like I win." Itachi had a small, smug smirk and Hagami puffed out her cheeks. She pointed the stick that still had a little chicken on it at Itachi.

"But you had less!" She retorted and took another bite that finished the chicken. "See! I finish-"

"I finished before you Onēsan! You talked too much." Sasuke danced around in his pace and Hagami scowled.

"Okay fine. You win, hmph." Hagami sighed and threw her stick in the trash. Walking back over to the table, she grabbed another one just to eat, not race with whilst Shisui walked over.

"It's rare to see you so carefree. Why don't you be like this more often?" Shisui asked jokingly. Hagami looked at him and took the chicken stick out of her mouth. She scratched the back of her neck and laughed sheepishly taking him seriously.

"Er...well I suppose it has to do with the fact that I'm just celebrating." Hagami laughed. "I don't think I can be like this everyday. That'd be...odd, hehe. In other words...um...I think you know what I mean. ...Here." She offered as she handed him one of the chicken sticks. Shisui laughed at the blush that had been on her face the whole time even though she didn't know. Shisui decided not to bring it up either considering Hagami would probably become a nervous wreck.

"Arigato (Thank you)." Shisui took it and began eating instantly. "You performed well during the Genjutsu exercise. You also thought quickly too, considering you were able to get out of the trip wire traps that fast. And using the shuriken with your trip wire, I'm glad I allowed you to carry your weapons to that dimension."

"I would've found a way if you didn't allow me to do that y'know?" Hagami mumbled and crossed her arms. "Honestly though, how was this all planned? Otousan and Okaasan didn't even know if I'd pass. I mean, I failed two parts, one of the weapons, or maybe I passed by the skin of my nose...either way, I also failed the Ninjutsu portion."

"You're just going to have to work on it a little more. Besides, you went up against Kakashi of the Sharingan." Itachi reassured patting Hagami's shoulder. "We can train some more when you're not on missions. Sasuke will be joining us too. Shisui can train if he's free as well." Itachi pulled Sasuke closer despite him reaching for some food at the stand they stood by.

"Alright." Hagami gave the three of them her normal soft smile.


This chapter's short but I like it.


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