5 | Eyes

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Training sessions became more frequent between Shisui and Hagami. Itachi had even joined in on their training and he began to rival Hagami despite being younger. Sasuke was also four years old now and an enthusiastic child. Also despite being four, he was eager to try to learn as many new techniques as possible, which surprised Hagami. But although Hagami had been with this family, she still hadn't used the Sharingan in front of them or revealed it to anyone else. The only people that knew of it were her parents but dead people don't reveal secrets. Even Shisui hadn't caught on, or at least Hagami was sure that he hadn't yet.

But today Hagami had taken a break from training with Shisui, or at least she thought so as she watched Itachi from the shadows. He was practicing his aim, or rather his kunai training with the many targets in the surrounding area. One of the targets was located in a blind spot, and Itachi hit it straight on. Hagami expected no less from him thought.

"You're very talented for your age." Hagami didn't sense the chakra approaching them but she certainly heard the familiar voice. When she turned to Itachi, she saw him look up at Shisui too.

"I'm no match for you, Shisui-san." Itachi admitted.

"Oh come on..." Shisui drifted off and then looked to the trees. "Tell me, could you sense out the other person here?" He asked and Hagami knew she was found. Itachi raised an eyebrow. It was unusual for him to be caught off guard but right now he had been. Hagami slowly slinked from the trees and onto the boulder behind the other two. She shot Itachi a friendly smile, and the same with Shisui. "What's wrong? Does the Academy bore you so much that you're ditching?" He asked when he turned back.

Īe (No). He used the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) to remain in class. Hagami thought humorously. She had followed Itachi's movements with a clone of her own so she'd be able to keep up with everything.

"I'm no ditching." Itachi reassured as he took out a kunai. Back at the Academy, his clone was sitting outside the school with a scroll in his hands. Three of his peers gathered around him too. And Hagami's clone watched from the shadows as well. Through the clone's eyes, Hagami could see three of the upperclassmen approaching them. Each of them had a challenging face and were back for revenge.

"You guys! That's unfair!" One of the boys snapped. He jumped from his seat as the upperclassman gave then the signal to have a combat fight. However, they didn't necessarily care as they charged forward.

Hagami's clone just raised a brow. There was no use in her jumping in unless she really had to. If the use of Ninjutsu was added into the mix, she'd surely jump in. After all, she was already ranked as a Chūnin. As the students fought, they only used basic Taijutsu, something Itachi could easily get by as he leapt and ducked under all of their attacks. However, the other students didn't fair as well as Itachi. They're were being beaten bad.

However, when Itachi when to go help the others, the other upperclassman he had fought a day earlier jumped in the way. A cruel smile was on his face as he blocked Itachi off from his peers. Itachi narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him whilst he shouted, "What's with that look?" and aimed a punch toward Itachi. But back with the real ones, Shisui had taught Itachi a trick with kunai. How to conceal one to make four emerge and ready to use. His ability to catch onto the technique surprised Hagami to say the least.

"Hey! Cut it out!" Three ninja of Chūnin rank ran around the corner of the building once they caught wind of the students fighting against one another.

"Hey you! Stop!" Another Chūnin shouted as one of the upperclassman caught Itachi in an armlock. Another upperclassman pinned Itachi in place by wrapping his arms around his waist. The ringleader of the bunch turned around immediately and drew back his fist.

The Story of Hagami [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now