After Story | 4

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Part I

The Akatsuki only insisted on collecting bounty for the time being. They wouldn't, and couldn't, make any big moves yet. But in the time between their future events and now, they had to keep their techniques sharp or learn new ones to have a trump card. So sparring was an alternative for that and to say the least, no one went easy on each other unless someone was about to die. Right now, several members were being pitted against each other for the fun of it because their actual training ended a while back. Despite being slightly worn out, Hagami would be fine in a small sparring match, at least she hoped.

"Sasori, you're going to fight with Hagami. And don't kill each other." Pein spoke in a monotonous voice as Hagami squared her shoulders and lifted her fists. Her right foot scooted back to give her a boost when she darted forward.

Sasori stood calmly on the other side of the indoor training grounds and he drew a scroll from under his cloak. He spoke in a confident voice, "If I'm going to fight you, may as well use a puppet from my Third Level Collection." He said and rolled the scroll out. His hand pressed against the symbol, '三', in the center of the scroll. Smoke enveloped both of them and swirled briefly before clearing. Sasori stood crouched over with both of his hands positioned out to the sides of his. Looming over him was the Third Kazekage that Sasori had turned into one of his puppets.

Hagami didn't know the specifics behind how the Kazekage had been killed and transformed into a puppet but she'd be sure to do some poking around.

"You're not going to fight me as Hiruko?" Hagami asked giving him a sly glance. Her eyelids were lowered to give her the appearance of being tired but beneath that she was ready to fight. Not much has happened in the past year or so so this was a treat as long as she didn't kill him.

"No, I think I have a much better chance of winning this way." He said and his fingers danced in the air. The left arm revealed many summoning tags and what followed were many arms that ripped he cloth cloak over the puppet. Hagami got into her stance deeper, ready to strike.

"Whatever you say." Hagami said just as the Third Kazekage puppet lunged toward her. Hagami's smirk faded and transformed into a serious scowl. She fronted underneath the puppet, rolling onto her back before skidding on her feet. She remained in her crouched over position when she weaved hand signs for the Fireball Jutsu. Her movements were suddenly halted though and she had to leapt to the sky when she saw something glimmer in the light. Senbon needles narrowly missed her cloak and she noticed the puppets right arm was lifted up.

The left arm summons more hands to crush an opponent and the right arm had senbon needles hidden in a compartment. If I didn't know any better, those needles are also poisoned and the poison may as well be in there too. I guess there's going to be a poison gas hidden in there too. Hagami thought taking out four kunai. She threw two of them straight out to the sides of her so when she landed, there was a kunai about two meters away from her in any direction. Taking the other two kunai, she flung them straight past Sasori. One more kunai was all she needed and she threw it to the ceiling creating a rectangular pyramid.

Due to the artificial light, there were gleams attaching each kunai to each other. Sasori took a look around, his mind thinking of all the possibilities that Hagami could use with this setup.

"Raiton, Kaminari no Nagare (Lightning Style, Thunder Stream)!" She shouted weaving the seals for the jutsu. Hagami lifted her hand to the kunai at the top and lightning flowed from her outstretched arm. It channeled its way through the air and then through the trip wires that were attached to all of the kunai. When the lightning coursed throughout kunai and trip wires she weaved another hand seal, "Raiton, Sandākēji no Jutsu (Lightning Style, Thunder Cage Jutsu)." The lightning crackled and closed the three of them in-including the puppet. They were in close range right now, something that benefited the both of them.

The only thing to wait for now was to see who made the first move and who made the last.

Hagami didn't bother using anymore large jutsu that took a lot of chakra. Instead, she resorted to using summoning jutsu from now on, when she had the chance. Senbon needles that were instead soaked in poison shot past her but immediately bounced off the lightning cage Hagami had set up. They fell to the ground, completely harmless as long as neither of them were pierced. Hagami leapt up to a certain height where she knew that she'd be safe from the lightning cage and she clapped her hands together. A large Fūma Shuriken appeared in her left hand and she began spinning it. She only used it when she was within the lightning cage because now's the only time she could use it to her advantage. The tips of the shuriken grazed the lightning cage giving it an electrical current and she threw it straight at Sasori.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw the trip wires gleam and her hand anxiously awaited to pull them back for the shuriken to break apart. Unlike Itachi, she could only use one at the time and couldn't use the Kage Shuriken technique yet with one shuriken in the shadow of another.

The Third Kazekage puppet lunged in front of Sasori just as the Fūma Shuriken closed in and Hagami's hand jerked backward. The trip wires that were attached to the Fūma Shuriken triggered a latch to become loose and the blades of the shuriken came undone. They shot off in ninety degrees and some became implanted in the lightning cage whilst some became implanted in the Third Kazekage puppet rendering it useless for the moment.

Hagami landed in relatively the same spot she was in before as Sasori thought over a back up plan. His eyes narrowed when he realized that he'd have to restore his puppet now that Hagami had damaged it. But he kept his temper under control for the moment and let out a sigh instead. His hand lifted to his chin and he hummed quietly whilst his puppet became obscured from sight along with the smoke. Hagami narrowed her eyes for a moment and refused to lift the lightning cage right yet. Sasori also narrowed his eyes, as if he was waiting for her to release it.

Then, in a last stage effort to win this match, Sasori's hand lifted up and the faint chakra strings that he perfected over the years shot past Hagami toward the ground. Her eyes widened when they attached themselves to the senbon needles that had fallen there. Lifting from the ground, Hagami followed them and saw the victorious gleam in Sasori's eyes. However, she would give up that quickly.

A puppet master fights with another body so their actual frame is normally weak. Hagami thought and the senbon needles began to fly. Hagami hadn't used her Sharingan to today, not even in their actual sparring training. Her eyes became crimson and she was able to see past everything for the most part. The last thing she wanted was to be grazed by the poison senbon needles because as far as she knew there wasn't an immediate antidote.

She swerved, twisted, and ducked around the senbon needles as she closed in on Sasori. When she was close enough, she placed her right hand and leg on the ground whilst her left leg shot up into Sasori's chin before he could figure out what she was doing. He was thrown off balance, shocked that she was able to made it through his barrage of senbon needles.

His eyes widened when he realized that the lightning cage was still in effect too, he shut his eyes right before he closed in. But what he thought would be an electrical current was actually just the ground collided with the back of his head hence Hagami cancelled it out at the last second. Sasori groaned when he realized he had lost the fight and saw Hagami standing over him. Her eyes were emotionless, contradicting her normally sad eyes around the base sometimes. Sasori hissed when he sat up and tried to shoo her off whilst he muttered incoherent curses about losing to her.

"Hagami, can you fight another round?" Konan walked up to her side and placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. Hagami looked up, her crimson eyes shifting to onyx and she nodded faintly. "Are you sure? We don't need your illness flaring up in the middle of the fight." Her voice was almost motherly but also had a warning edge.

"I'm sure." Hagami assured wiping her forehead clear of sweat. She didn't want to show her weakness and to say the least, she was surprised that it didn't flare up in the fight. Glancing around, she turned back to Konan when she was done assessing the other members, "Who am I fighting next?" She asked curiously.

"Either Hidan or Kakuzu, whoever's done first." She responded and began to turn away. She took her place beside Pein and Hagami could only guess when relation they had before they had established the Akatsuki.

The Story of Hagami [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora