24 | Quiet

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Hagami didn't know why she was so calm, or at least visibly calm, when she talked with Tobi; maybe it was the feeling of fear, or helplessness if she had tried to fight against him. And Tobi didn't know why he had given her such a generous offer. He wasn't actually after Hagami's Sharingan, it was Itachi's. But maybe having her in the Akatsuki wouldn't be too bad after all.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Hagami-san, may I...come in?" Hagami hadn't known her eye were half-lidded, or that she was propping herself up over her desk. She shook her head and made it over to the door. But just as she touched the doorknob, the other person opened it. Hagami stumbled slightly prior to leaning slightly on the door and someone caught her by her shoulders. Their touch was familiar, comforting, a friend. "Are you...okay?" He asked.

"Fine." Hagami replied and she stood up, holding the doorframe. Something ached in the center of her chest and she used her doorframe to prop herself up now. Fourteen she was, a young teen, but possibly already has a sealed death young. "What is it?" She asked.

"Are you okay?" Shisui asked again seeing her propped on a doorframe. Unlike Itachi, he was able to see her weakened frame, and possibly something greater behind her mask.

"Fine." Hagami answered again and looked up. Not to her surprise, Itachi was hanging out behind him down the hallway slightly. "What do you need? Shisui, Itachi?"

"Tomorrow, we have to meet at the usual spot. Itachi and I have come up with a plan in order to avoid the Coup d'État altogether." Shisui informed quietly. Hagami nodded faintly, and closed her eyes to try to sooth a throbbing head. She didn't know what was going on, she just hoped that she'd be able to push past it.

"I'll be sure to be there. Same time?" She asked.

"Ah." Itachi answered walking up to Hagami. He glanced at Shisui and then took the liberty and reached for her forehead. He laid his hand on her forehead and Hagami leaned into the cold touch. "Hagami, are you...alright? You're burning up right now." Itachi's voice became suddenly grave.

Hagami's vision flickered and the voices of her two friends became to deafen upon her ears. Her balance also began to waver but she couldn't do anything to stop herself from falling forward. Her hand gingerly reached out toward to Itachi's shoulder for support again but her vision failed her hence she fell forward. The last thing she remembered was that she didn't hit the floor; and she could hear the faint murmuring of Itachi and Shisui.

"Did you know about this?" Shisui asked. He had moved to catch her before Itachi could. He held her shoulders, and her head leaned against his thigh. Itachi helped him flip her over onto her back and the color drained little by little from her face. "She has a high fever too." Shisui added feeling her forehead with the back of his hand.

"I didn't suspect a thing about her being ill." Itachi admitted and he helped Shisui carry her inside her room. They laid her on the bed and they watched over her for a while before the two left the room. "She's been quiet about it if she's had it before now." Itachi added and they closed the door.


"Hagami, Hagami!" Mikoto tried to wake Hagami quietly but it was to no avail.

"Itachi, what happened last night?" Fugaku questioned because the answer he got before was vague. But it was with the only information he had at the moment.

"I-I don't know. She was fine earlier and then I checked if she had a fever. It was high, too high for her to handle." Hagami faintly felt a hand against her forehead but she didn't have the energy to open her eyes.

"Nīsan, will Onēsan be fine?" Sasuke asked timidly, and tugged on Itachi's sleeve. The four of them were gathered in Konohagakure's Hospital. As soon as Shisui left, Itachi had warned Fugaku and Mikoto of Hagami's condition. The two adults immediately rushed her to the hospital whilst Itachi and Sasuke remained home, partially because Sasuke was asleep. The next morning, Mikoto had gone to the house in order to bring Sasuke and Itachi to the hospital to see Hagami. An IV drip tube was connected to a needle inside Hagami's inner arm and she laid there unconscious still.

"Ah," Itachi answered hopefully. From what he heard, it was only a sickness that she'd be able to get over quickly.

Fugaku in Mikoto, however, were told otherwise.


A minute went by. An hour went by. A day went by. And Hagami didn't show any signs of waking up. The IV tube went by painfully slow and the two ninja that stood beside her bed waited patiently for her to move. Her fever had broke, at least, but her heart rate, as well as respirations were still out of order. The nurses and doctors were careful to monitor them, and changed the IV every once and a while to match her needs. Sometimes, they needed to add more. Others they had to cut back. Whatever it was, Shisui and Itachi moved out of the way.

But by noon of the next day, Hagami's fingers twitched against the sheets. They felt different than her's back at home, so she fiddled with the fabric. And she absolutely sure she wasn't home when she smelt the air. The stench that filled her nostrils was rubbing alcohol and she forced her eyes open. Sunlight filtered in through the window from beside her to her right. Hagami's eyes shut so they could get used to the sudden light and then turned to look at the ceiling. From the corner of her vision, two heads were visible so she slowly turned her own.

"Glad to see you're up." Shisui broke the silence between the three of them. There was a pleasant smile lingering on his face and Hagami returned it weakly.

"Hagami, are you alright?" Itachi asked in a more considerate tone.

"Better than I was." She croaked having been out for two days. The dull ache in her chest hadn't left, however, but it was less noticeable, at least when she didn't breath heavily. "Two days?"

"Ah." Itachi answered. "You scared us, especially when you blacked out back at the house. Why didn't you tell us that you weren't okay?"

"It just happened when I got back. I haven't had any symptoms before so this is just as new as it is to me." Hagami sighed deeply and the pain in her chest flared slightly. This is a setback, but I'll be able to push through it before the end of the week. I have to push through this. She thought and shoved herself up into a sitting position. However, her movements were halted when the pain flared up, striking throughout her body causing her to freeze so she could recover from that pain.

"Are you alright?" Itachi stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder. Hagami shivered and she squeezed her eyes shut as she laid back down. "Maybe sitting up isn't your best bet right now."

"I see that...now." She murmured and it seemed like all her strength was being sapped from her by the second. Slowly, against her will, her eyes shut again and she fell into darkness. But at least she had some bearings in her subconscious, she knew that Shisui and Itachi wouldn't leave her side.


Sorry this chapter (and the last one) are a little on the short side. But it's a process to build up to what I'm writing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!


The Story of Hagami [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now