Chapter Twenty Seven

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2 months later

"Come on princess kick for daddy" Shawn was sitting here talking to my stomach trying to get our daughter to kick for him. I told him to stop because once she starts kicking me she doesn't stop.

"Shawn can you stop I am hot and irritated." This summer weather is nothing to be played with while being pregnant. I am currently six months and I am very uncomfortable, I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over with.

"Fine I'll stop but when she start kicking let me know" he walk away and went into the house to do whatever.

These past two months have been exhausting if you ask me. I am tired of being pregnant and talked down upon. Mrs. Gloria still doesn't like me for no reason at all. Last month she threw a barbeque for the fourth of July, of course Shawn invited me to the event. At first I wasn't going to go but he begged and begged me until I said yes. When I went everyone shown me love expect her. She kept making smart comments about me being the "other" baby mama or how Shawn and I will not last once Rosario baby gets here. I didn't want to disrespect her so I kept my mouth shut towards her but I did tell Shawn to put his mother in her place because I am not going to constantly deal with the disrespect. Mrs. Gloria even acts like she doesn't know my name. I am either "lil girl" or any name that start with the letter B. That woman knows my name. Shawn claims she's just being mean towards me because she was close to Rosario. I have told him I don't care how close they are his mother needs to respect me as her granddaughter's mother. Everyone else in his family does so it's not hard for her to do the same.

My mother has been getting on my nerves as well with her giving me the cold shoulder. Hell my father has gotten over being mad about be being pregnant and has been helping me out. Today he is coming over to help build the nursery with Shawn. How the hell can my father come around before my mother is mind blowing to me but hey at least one parent is supporting me now. When I am at work my mother barely speaks to me or she doesn't speak to me at all. Shit is annoying because there are so many things I want to ask her but I can't because all she is going to do is ignore me. Last week I was terribly sick and I had to go to the hospital, the only person I wanted there with me was my mother but she didn't pick up her phone. Shawn called and called her but she didn't answer at all. I left a very rude voice mail telling her to get over herself because in a couple months she will be a grandmother. Her wedding is tomorrow and I am pretty sure she wants me to be there. I am going because unlike her I am not a petty person, I am going to be there and support my mother because I know how happy she is to finally find love again. Hopefully she doesn't annoy me during the reception.

Let me not forget Ms. Rosario, even though she hasn't been acting like a crazy bitch she has been clingy to Shawn lately. She is due soon and she has been calling Shawn for EVERYTHING. I mean I get it she can go into labor any minute but damn give my man a break. I feel like she is doing this on purpose to get him to spend less time with me. She just had her baby shower a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you she had Shawn run around New York for any and everything like she didn't have anybody else to call. During the week of her baby shower I only seen Shawn twice and that wasn't even long. Then on her baby shower day he spent the entire day over there not once calling to check on me or nothing. I was trying to give him space but it irks me to know that he is spending time with her. There is no telling what their families were talking about when they were all together. Probably hoping they would get back together. When he left the baby shower and came to my house I ask him how things went and all he said was everything went smoothly. He didn't go into details or nothing just left it at that. I know I probably sound like a jealous girlfriend but I am not trying to be that I just see right through Rosario bullshit. She know that her baby is coming soon so he will spend even more time with her. That I can't get mad at but I can get mad if she tries anything with my man again.

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