Chapter Nine

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Even though I'm still pissed off about last night I am still throwing this party. Shit it may help me get over the fact that me and Ros not together anymore. To be honest I don't even know if this is a permanent break or just some type of "I need space break". I know I would be hurt if we don't work this out though, Ros has been the love of my life for years and I just can't let her walk away.

Going over Bey's house last night did help me calm down though. I don't know what it is about her, but she is so easy to talk to. I know she's tired of me venting to her, but she just don't know she honestly helps me feel better. I do know last night when I slept in her bed I put my arm around her during the middle of the night. It wasn't on no sexual type shit it was just second nature and at first I thought I was go get cursed out, but she didn't say anything. Sometimes I feel a connection towards her than there are other times when I'm like naw I can't feel that cuz I doubt she even look at me like that. I wouldn't mind dating Bey, however at the same time I wouldn't because I know she would be the rebound. I never would want to hurt her like that or even ruin our friendship. Let me stop thinking about it all together.

Walking into the house I felt weird like I would see nothing but boxes with either her shit or mines. The house was clean though, no boxes throughout the downstairs of the house. Let me see if upstairs is different though. I walked into the room and everything was still in place. Ros didn't remove none of her stuff. I don't know if I should take this as a good sign or not. I won't get my hopes up about it. Today is her birthday so I'm sure she just wanna have fun and not worry about our relationship. Let me text her before I forget.

To Wifey💍 - Happy birthday baby girl. No matter how things are between us just know I love you. Have a great day💏

Received- Thank you and I love you too just need time for myself

I guess that answer my question we just taking a temporary break that explains why she didn't take any of her stuff. I just hope the time she is taking for herself will be helpful so we can get back to what we used to be.


"So what you thinking for a costume?" Bey ask me as I drove us to the costume store. I know it's going to be hard to find something since today is Halloween.

"Nothing much Halloween ain't never really been my thing"

"Really? Rosario birthday is today though"

I made a left turn before I answer her "We never really did any costume party though. Rosario always felt it was childish so we just celebrated by doing a regular ass party or just going out."

She started giggling like I said some funny shit.

"What's funny?"

Bey laughed for a few more seconds before answering me.

"I think that's weird I would have loved for my birthday to be on Halloween or some days before it. I loved dressing up as a kid, I couldn't go to any Halloween parties when I was a little bit older. My father always said Halloween costumes were excuse for a woman to dress up like a "whore'"

I parked the car into the parking lot.

"Well hopefully you have fun tonight and it's been a while since I dressed up too so we can have this experience together."

Walking into the store I saw it was crowded a little bit I figured it would be. Hopefully there are still some good costumes left.

As we walked around I seen a couple of masks that I like. I wasn't going all out so one of these mask was going to do. I think I like the Jason mask better. It wasn't too scary nor was it something I think somebody would grab. Plus it came with a shirt.

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