Chapter Twenty Three

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Sitting across my parents may be the most uncomfortable feeling ever especially since Shawn is sitting next to me also. I had to go upstairs and put some clothes on and told Shawn to do the same. It has been 15 minutes and neither one of us have said anything yet. My mother has been giving me the death stare while my father just has been constantly shaking his head. I guess I have to be the one to break the silence.

Clearing my throat I place my hands on the table and folded them. "So what brings you guys by in the middle of the night? I don't think it is an emergency because yall would have been said something."

My mother look at me with her nose flared up "Your father and I have been calling you all day. Phone kept going to voicemail, made us feel like you were ignoring us. Called Nicki to see what was going on and all she said was you were fine. Made me feel like she was hiding something from us so we decided to drop by. I see why you didn't answer your phone." She rolled her eyes at that last sentence.

"Your mother is right. Since we've both got off work around 7 pm we have been calling you Bey. Not answering your phone is not a mature thing to do." My father added

I rolled my eyes at the fact that the both of them think that I ignored them on purpose. Yes I haven't spoken to my parents in a while but that doesn't mean I am going to ignore them forever.

"I am sorry that I didn't answer my phone but it is not because I was ignoring you guys. It's because my phone is dead."

"Humph" My mother made a sound. "Ever since you got with this boy you change so much. Never thought my child would lose her way when it came to a guy. You don't even know if he is serious about you."

See that is the type of shit that pisses me off. My mother doesn't know anything about Shawn but she wants to judge him off back.

"Ms. Tina I do not force your daughter to do anything she doesn't want to do. Beyoncé has a mind of her own, everything she does that is her own doing. I have fallen in love with your daughter and don't plan on going anywhere. I know everything happen so soon but I promise Bey that I will be there every step of the way." Shawn came to my defense.

"If you are not an influence on her then why she doesn't bring her tail to work. She lucky I don't fire her."

"Again Beyoncé makes her own decisions. I did not know she was not going to work and if I did know I would had convince her to go. The baby need all the financial support from us." My father nodded his head in approval from what Shawn said but my mother was still looking pissed.

"Shawn I am still not okay with what is going on but all I want is for my daughter and you to step up and be adults. I am happy to know you are not running away from your responsibilities but please try to understand that this is a lot for her mother and me to take in. I mean this honestly threw us off." My father said.

"Of course I completely understand how you guys feel, but I don't want this to become between you guys and Bey. Yall had a good relationship before all this happen."

"We did but her ass didn't listen when I said be responsible when comes to sex. Now look at you, about to have a damn baby you ain't even ready for. What you going to do about school Beyoncé huh? You ass go drop out because you can't multitask. You just got your independence and you bring a baby in the equation. That was smart real fucking smart of you." My mother said angrily.

Hearing my mother say those things to me made angry tears came down my face. I get it they are not proud of this situation but damn can I get a little bit of support from them. I need my mother more than ever but all she wants to do is down talk me before the baby even gets here.

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