Chapter Twenty Four

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Going through my shopping bags I took out all the baby stuff I bought. It was so much stuff that I don't even think I can fit it in my own drawers. I knew I went overboard with the baby stuff but I couldn't help it. I was becoming so excited for the arrival of my little one. Thankfully this house is a three bedroom so I will be turning the third bedroom into a nursery. I am waiting to find out the sex of the baby so Shawn and I can decorated it. Speaking of Shawn he should be on his way over here.

As I was folding up the baby's clothes I heard the front door open. Shawn had walk into my room looking exhausted.

I got up to greet him "Hey baby are you okay?"

"I'm good" he placed his hand on my stomach. My belly has been constantly growing so I have a noticeable bump now when I wear fitted shirts.

Walking over to the bed, he sat down noticing all the baby stuff I had.

Picking up the bib that said 'daddy loves me' he smiled "Getting a head start?"

Sitting next to him I smiled as well "Yup I can't wait until we find out what we are having. I think I want a girl."

"Naw babe we are having a boy" he is so confident that the baby is a boy.

"And if the baby is a girl?"

He grab my hand and kissed it "Then I will have a little princess to spoil"

I was happy to hear him say that he will be okay with a girl because all he been hollering about is having two sons. I think us having a girl will even things out then again in Rosario eyes our kids will be in competition with each other for Shawn's affection.

"So how did things go with Rosario?" I need to know if that crazy chick will act civil for now on.

Shawn got up and began to take his clothes off leaving on his boxers. I'm guessing he is about to take a nap.

"That girl is something else. I don't know if I can ever get through to her" he laid down in the bed. "I can't keep trying to convince her to be cordial. Shit is tiresome"

"It's your fault that any of this even happen." I didn't mean to say it like.

Siting back up Shawn gave me a confuse look "What you mean it's my fault? First of all Rosario was told she couldn't have kids so how am I supposed to know a miracle was going to happen for her. Second of all yo ass was the one who wanted to fuck when I came over to just talk so don't fully blame me for getting you pregnant."

"You're right I should have thought twice before sleeping with you that night but still Shawn you the one who needed to put on the condom. You knew damn well I was not on no type of birth control." Shawn got out of the bed and put his clothes back on.

"Where are you going?"

"I gotta worry about Rosario being petty as fuck towards you and then I got you wanting to blame me for knocking you up like it doesn't take two. I am so tired of this bullshit. I really am."

"So you just going to walk away from this conversation?" I didn't mean to start this petty argument but I don't want Shawn to leave angry with me.

"I am just going to go home and get some sleep cuz right now I think if I stay here things will get out of hand." He grab his keys and phone "See you later Bey"

I wanted to beg for him to stay but truthfully I was exhausted just as much as he was. All this back and forth with Rosario ass was bound to start coming between us. I just hope we don't allow this to break us up. Just a little break from each other may actually do us some good.

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