Chapter Eighteen

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One Month Later 

Can this morning sickness stop please? I have been constantly throwing up for the past couple of weeks now. I cannot keep no food down because this baby is just rejecting everything I put in my mouth. Today was no exception, I was scheduling a client's appointment when I felt myself about to hurl up the steak omelet I had eaten right before I came to work. I literally had to schedule the appointment so fast so I wouldn't throw up on the desk. I have been in this bathroom for about three minutes now.

Getting off the bathroom floor I flushed the toilet and made my way over to the sink. I had rinse my mouth out as best as I could putting a piece of gum in my mouth to wash away that nasty after taste I had. I need to get myself together before I go over my mother's house. I am supposed to be helping her plan this wedding. I don't know how I am going to play this pregnancy off. I know I need to tell my parents but I am not ready yet. Hell it was hard telling Shawn I was pregnant. I don't even know what came over me, I just know I couldn't hid it from him any longer than I already did.

To say the least I was surprise at how calm he was when I told him. I expected him to say that he couldn't raise a baby right now and that neither one of us was ready because it was too soon. Basically I thought he was going to bail out on me but he didn't. Since I have told him I was pregnant he has been on his hands and foot to get me whatever I want. Doesn't matter how early or late whatever I need or want he'll go and get it. He know that this morning sickness has been kicking my ass so he rubs my stomach until I fall asleep, that honestly helps so much.

What I am afraid of is since everything is happening so fast I don't want us to start doubting this relationship. I told him I love him because at the time I thought it was the correct thing to say but I didn't meant it. At least not yet. Shawn didn't say it back so I know he's not in love with me. I know we can get there with a little bit of time, but something in the back of my mind is telling me that once Rosario tells him that she is pregnant then he will toss me to the side and forget about all those times I have been there for him. Forget about the baby that I am carrying. See all this over thinking is going to cause me to get a headache. Let me just go over my mother's house.

"Took you long enough" My mother rudely greeted me when I made my way into the living room. It was her and I guess her wedding planner sitting at the table.

"My bad" I really wasn't in the mood to be here. I pulled out a seat and sat next to my mother. I had to compose myself when I got a whiff of her perfume. Smelt like she put the whole bottle on her.

"Donna this is my daughter Beyoncé, she is going to help us with the wedding." I politely said hi to the woman.

"Okay first thing is first what type of budget are we on?" Donna ask.

"Richard really didn't give me a budget but I think 50,000 is not too bad." 50,000 dollars is hell of a lot of money if you ask me.

Donna wrote the price down "You are way cheaper than my other clients you should hear all the ridiculous budgets that they have."

"Girl this will be my second wedding I don't want nothing too expensive but I do want to make it memorable."

"Now the money is out of the way did you have a location in mind?"

My mother pounder about this location while I was trying my best to remain interest in this "meeting" we were having. She really didn't need me.

"Richard has this yacht that is so beautiful I would love for us to have the wedding there."

Donna face lit up when my mother said the location would be a yacht. I didn't even know this man had a yacht.

"Getting married on a yacht will be something different for me to plan for but don't worry girl I got you."

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