Its a Person.

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~Lance's POV~

"Hey Hunk?" I ask my best friend

"Yeah" He answers

"Do you think we will ever beat the Fire Nation?"

"I sure hope so" Hunk replies

"I miss my family" I say looking down

"Don't worry. We'll get them back" He says rubbing my shoulder

When I was 10, the Fire nation came and took my family away. Hunk and I were out riding our lions and when I came back they were gone.

My parents. My twin sister Rachel, my older brother Luis, my oldest sister Veronica and my oldest brother Marco.

Why did the Fire Nation have to take my family. My niece and nephew, they were so little. I wish it was me instead of them.

"Do you wanna ride Blue to cheer you up?" he asks

Blue is my snow lion. She's really sweet and big. Hunk has one too but he named his Yellow. We thought of the names together. Since my favourite colour is blue and his is yellow.

Hunk and I went through the snow on our lions. Wind blowing through our hair. I loved this feeling. I felt totally free and away from the Fire Nation.

As we passed a little mountain I saw something in it.

"Hey Hunk, stop for a second" I say stopping my lion

"What's up?" He asks stopping as well

"Do you see that mountain? I think there's something in it" I say getting off of blue and walking towards the mountain

"Dude. If there is something in it why would you go near it. You don't know what it is. What if it could kill you?" Hunk says starting to panic

"Just come on" I say turning around and grabbing my nervous friend

"Lance, I'm telling you. I have a really bad feeling about this" My friend says to me

I'm kind of regretting my decision but it's too late now. We're already at the mountain.

"What do you think it is?" I ask Hunk

There's something red inside the mountain. It looks really weird.

"I don't know? But we should leave- and you're hitting it. What are you doing!? Stop! What if it's a beast? You probably just woke it up" Hunk says panicking again

"Come and help me" I say hitting it with the pick in my small bag that I brought

"Ugh. Why am I even your friend?" Hunk says grabbing his pick and hitting the mountain as well

About 4 minutes of picking we realize the red stuff was fabric.

"Hunk. I think someone's in there" I say trying to pick faster in hopes the person is still alive

"Oh my gosh! It is a person!" Hunk says as he sees a hand

"Come on Hunk. Hit harder!" I yell to my friend

We finally pick the person out. It's a boy. He's wearing the Fire Nation uniform. Well the uniform the Fire Nation had before they attacked. Now they wear a different one.

"Come on let's get him back to the village. Grandma can help him" I say to Hunk

"Are you sure we should be taking a Fire Nation member back with us?"

"Hunk, seriously" I saw surprised

"Just saying"

We put the boy on my lion and ride off back towards our village. Once we get there I carry the boy into the healing tent.

"Grandma? Can you help him?" I say frantically

"Oh dear! What happened to him?" My grandma says motioning for me to put him on the table

"I don't know? Hunk and I found him in a mountain" I say setting him down

"In a mountain?!" My grandma says looking and me weirdly

"Yeah" I say nodding

"Ok then"

Hunk left with yellow to see if there was anything else in the mountain.

Grandma grabs the etherial water and pours it into his mouth. Etherial water comes from the crystal etherion it gives you strength. But only water benders can find it and wield it. That's why the Fire Nation wanted my family.

A few minutes later the boy starts to wake up and looks scared and confused.

"Where am I? Who are you?" He asks

"My name is Lance. This is my grandma Patty and you're at the water village" I answer both his questions

"Dear? Do you know what you where doing in a mountain?" My grandma asks the boy

He sighs sadly and answer in a whisper "Yes"

"Could you tell me?" She says lightly

"Yes" He whispers

My grandma and I wait for him to begin talking.

"My sister told me to run" He starts lightly "The Fire Nation attacked our home and burned it down. I got on my flying lion and told it to take me anywhere. I guess this is where she took me" He said looking around "Wait. Where's my lion" The boy says panicking

Hunk comes in with a red lion with wings.

"Is this who you're looking for? I went back to the mountain to see if anyone else was in the mountain and found her" Hunk says to the boy

"Thank you... um"

"Hunk. Call me Hunk"

"Oh ok" The boy says

"Sweetie would you mind telling me your name" Grandma says to him

He nods his head "My name Keith"

"Keith is a sweet name" my grandma says to him

"Thank you" he says blushing

"Are you a fire bender?" I ask curiously


"Cool my grandma, Hunk and I are all water benders"

His shirt was slightly off of his shoulder and I saw a symbol. My eyes went wide.

The picture above is the symbols of the benders.

The Red symbol is Fire Bending. Located on the right chest.

The Blue symbol is Water Bending. Located on the left bicep.

The Yellow symbol is Air Bending. Located on the back of neck.

The Green Symbol is Earth Bending. Located on the right ankle.

The Purple symbol is the Avatar.
Located on the shoulder.

Word Count•959
Updated Word Count•1033

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