"Ok, now how the hell do we get to the others?" I asked with a raised eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest. He turned me around and I felt his front pressed up against my back as he bent his head down a little and put his one arm over me as he pointed out a Jet Ski. "Oh." Was all I was able to say.

"Travis? Travis! Please sign this!" One girl yelled excitedly. We both turned to see a girl holding out a helmet and a sharpie for him. She was about 17years old with long blond hair and crystal blue eyes. She was gorgeous and very happy to see Travis. Well who wouldn't be, hes damn sexy!

"Sure thing. What's your name?" He asked as he grabbed her helmet and sharpie. She squealed and couldn't stop smiling.

"Nikki, with a double K." She smiled and Travis nodded as he signed her helmet. "Oh my god thank you so much. I'm such a fan. I love motocross. I have hopes of becoming a pro one day." She said to him. He smiled and looked back at me, I was standing a little behind him. The girl leaned over a little so that she could see who or what he was looking at.

"Never give up on your dreams kid." Travis said once he looked back at her then placed a hand on her shoulder. She, however, wasn't paying him much attention as she was gaping at me. I gave an awkward smile and wave.

"Oh.My.God. You're the Kelsey McKeen!" I smiled and nodded at her as I stepped closer. She smiled shyly at me as she held out her helmet and sharpie again. "Will you please sign this too. I'm like a huge, huge fan. You're my inspiration. I mean I watched you since I was small and when you left I was all bummed but when you came back I was so happy! Please don't ever leave again." She gushed and I just chuckled at her.

"I'm sorry I left. It was just you know, I needed some time, but I'm back now and I'm not planning on going anywhere any time soon." I smiled as I signed her helmet. She just kept smiling and nodding.

"Can I please have a photo with you guys?" She asked hopeful. I glanced at Travis and he nodded with a smile. She called someone over and came to stand between us. Travis and I both put an arm around her and our hands touched behind her back. He didn't make an attempt to move his hand, actually he kind of kept brushing his fingers over my arm and the back of my hand.

We smiled at the camera. Travis did his thumbs up, as usual, which made me laugh and then do it too. Nikki held out both her hands with both thumbs up as someone took the photo.

"Thank you guys so much. I hope I didn't keep you guys from something important." She said as she looked at her phone that had the picture on.

"No at all. Mind if I give you a hug?" I asked her and I swear it looked like he wanted to cry. She nodded and I hugged her. Travis did too and then we turned to leave as we waved at her. "She was cute." I said as we walked to the Jet Ski.

"Yeah, but not as cute as you." He said nudging my shoulder a little. I blushed a little but covered it up by sticking my tongue out at him. We got to the Jet Ski then he stopped as he glanced down at it.

"What?" I asked him with a frown. He shook his head then looked at me.

"Wanna drive?" He asked me. I beamed at him and nodded my head eagerly. He smiled and we got on the Jet Ski. He sat behind me and then I started the Jet Ski. His legs were pressed up against mine as he put his arms around me to hold on.

"Hold on tight." I said over my shoulder as I took off. The Jet Ski jerked forward and soon we were gliding over the water. I smiled and giggled as the wind whipped through my hair. I heard Travis chuckling behind me too and that just made my heart do weird things. Me made it to where the guys all were and I slowed down.

"Kelvis is in the house bitches!" Roner exclaimed excitedly as we idled over to the shore. Travis laughed and I just shook my head at that. "What took you guys so long?" Eric asked us with raised eyebrows and a smirked.

Flips and Tricks (Travis Pastrana) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now