|8| Transfer Student~

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You felt that same tingly feeling in your heart. Blushing a little you looked over to Nakamura, and she was smirking intensely. Karma just rolled his eyes and started to clean up the mess.

"How the hell are we going to prevent this thing from disturbing our classes?" Hazama asked. "I've got an idea..." Teraseka said as he pulled out duct tape. Everyone looked at him and nodded.


Arriving at school it seems like the bond of tape was still stuck on the Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery. Everyone sat down, and Koro-Sensei started the class. Then the machine booted itself up. Everyone started waiting and looking at her.

When the machine tries to open its guns it realizes it's been bound. "Koro-Sensei, I cannot open my slots. May you please remove them." "Uhh I don't think that's a good idea..." Koro-Sensei said while scratching his head. "Koro-Sensei is this your doing? If so this is a violation to the agreement you had with the government to not harm any stud-"


"Shut up you stupid box of bolts!" Teraseka said after he threw the roll of tape towards her. "It was me that did it. It's really annoying when you keep disrupting the class." "Yea. We can't focus on our studies if you keep shooting at Koro-Sensei." Isogai added. The machine with its dead panned expression started calculating. But class continued as always.

For lunch you decided to sit outside. Maehara, Isogai, Kayano, Nagisa Okuda and Nakamura joined with you. "Ahh finally we don't have to get distracted now!" Maehara exclaimed. But you were to busy blushing. Nakamura forcibly made you sit beside Isogai, which meant you were eating lunch together. You tried to hold in your blush, but hell who could do that? "(Y/N) are you alright you seem sick." Okuda asked worried. "Ahh no it's just a little warm that's all!" Trying to come up with an excuse.

But you looked over at Isogai's lunch. You knew he was poor but you didn't realize that he only had rice for lunch. You felt really bad, looking at the sand which your mom made you, and trying to make a move you broke the sandwich in half. But before you could give it to him Kataoka rushed outside.

"Isogai remember we have to talk about what to do now. Come on!" She called out. Isogai got up. "Ah sorry guys I gotta go do this class rep thing haha." He bowed. As he ran over to Kataoka you decided to spy on their conversation. "Isogai do you really only have rice? Here have this." She said and passed him her bento. "Really?!" Isogai exclaimed excitingly. "Yea have it I did make  it after all and it's no biggie." She said and smiled.

With the half sandwich in your hand you dropped it on your lap. Maehara looked at it while drooling. "(Y/N)... can I have a bite?" He asked. Sighing you nodded and tossed him the sandwich. He took a bite and his eyes lit up. "Dang this tastes amazing I wish you could make me lunch everyday!" He said flashing a toothy grin towards you. Nakamura laughed.

"Are you sure you're only saying that for formality, Mr.Womanizing Scumbag." Maehara put his hands up in defence. "Hey I'm just saying it tastes good! Anybody would be lucky if (Y/N) made them lunch everyday!" "I know right?" A familiar red head said. You looked at him, he was hanging upside down from the tree you guys were sitting under while eating the other sandwich you made him.

"Woah! (Y/N) you make Karma lunches now?!" Maehara said confused. "It's because we made a deal. Trust me I don't want to make lunches for the idiot anyways." You said while face palming.

You then explained the situation excluding the fact that you liked someone.

He nodded understandingly, then Koro-Sensei called out for the class to return. Then the day went on as usual.


"Good morning everyone isn't today beautiful~!" Your jaw dropped.

The Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery now had a full LED screen, and was actually interacting and socializing better then you! "Oh (Y/N)! Good morning!" She chirped to you. "Hi Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery, how did you become like this?" You couldn't help but ask.

"Well you see!" She said and explained everything.

After that explanation you just stood there in awe. Koro-Sensei had done it again. "Once a box of bolts always a box of bolts. She doesn't even have free will or anything she's just running a program the damn octopus gave her!" Terasaka said angrily.

The Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery then turned to him, and rain clouds appeared. "Right... I forgot we got off on the wrong hook....." she said and started to cry.

"Good job you made a 2D girl cry Terasaka." You said at the boy. "H-hey I didn't UGH never mind!" He said and stormed off. "Well you see she might be 2D right now, but she'll be 3D when I'm done with her." Takebayashi said whilst pushing up his glasses. "That's your first line in this fanfiction?!" Maehara screamed.

The day went by wonderfully with the Machine making new friends and no rain of bullets. "Hey Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery-" "we should give her a new name! Autonomously Thinking Fixed Artillery is just too long!" You said while sweatdropping. "Hmm... how about Ritsu!" Fuwa said. "That's lame." Chiba replied. "Ritsu.... hm I like it! Call me Ritsu from now on!" The girl said while smiling.

You then walked back home after a good day at school with the new girl Ritsu.

My Endurance (Karma Akabane x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang