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~(Y/N) POV~

"(Y/N) come need to go to school"A soft warm voice says from the other side of my door. I stair at the ceiling then close my eyes. All I see is the memories. Every time I close my eyes I see them.

I sigh and get out of bed changing into my school uniform. My school has four different choices for girl uniform.

 My school has four different choices for girl uniform

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(Chose one!)

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(Chose one!)

I brush my hair, trying my hair into a half up half down style. I put the brush down and go grab my bag for school. I walk down stairs where my mom held a plate of breakfast for me. "I'm not hungry"I mumbled turning down the food.

"(Y/N) it's bad for you not to eat. It's the first day of school. You need to eat"She said placing the food on the coffee table.  "I'll eat in school"I said forcing a smile. She nodded and drove me to school.

Holding the strap on my bag tightly I walk threw the halls in search for my locker. One thing lead to smiled there and I was on the ground. "Watch it!"A high pitch voice shouted dabbing the attention of others. I looked down my hair covering my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry"I whisper out clutching the hem of my skirt. "What was that? Is the new girl a cry baby?!"She laughed. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Ivy leave her alone!"A voice from behind me shouted. "Whatever!"Ivy said walking past me. I see a hand I front of me. Slowly looking up I see a girl.

She had blue hair, her eyes were a mix of green and blue. She was pale and had freckles. "I'm Yuna Walker!"She said giving me a smile. I took her hand and she helped me up.

"I'm (Y/N) Taylor"I say shyly. She reminds me of someone. Of Luna...they both have the same smile, attitude, same shine in their eyes and colored hair.

"Ignore Ivy. She's been like that ever since she was five. Her internet best friend said she needed time and never talked to her since. Ivy was crushed and became like that"She explained and I nodded.

"Anyways I see we have the same classes! Let's go"She smiled holding my schedule. It must have called out my bag when I fell.

My Bad Boy {Griff X Reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu