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"Go to see you back to normal"Lou pulls you into a hug.
"Yea...back to normal"You mumble the last part. It may seem like you're are normal but you just lock up your emotions.
"Why don't we go for a swim by the docks?"Tiffany suggested and everyone nodded. You all changed and everyone jumped into the water except you.
"What wrong (Y/N)? You love swimming"Lou asked.
"Oh's nothing"You say sitting down on the dock.
"Come in"Xander says grabbing your leg. You harshly yank your leg back.
"No! Stop"You shout at him. Everyone looked at you shocked.
"Tell us what's wrong?"Emma says.
"I-I just don't want to get in that water...I mean look at it! Its....disgusting"Your face shows the expression of disgust.
"What..? You loved to swim in here"Griff says confused.
"That was last year....I've changed"You say and walk back to the cabin, leaving. Everyone shocked and confused.
"That camp has changed her..."Emma says sadly.

My Bad Boy {Griff X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now