The plan

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~Zuri POV~

"We have to get the to the same place but it's going to be tricky to get those girls away from him"Tiffany says. "Can't we just pay them so money to stay away from him for a day"I say pulling out a stack of money. "Zuri they're his best friend we can't just pay them to leave him for a day!"Lou said. I put my money away and look at them "Fine". "Can't we just tell then that we have a girls day trip!"Emma says. "But they'll ask why (Y/N) isn't there"Lou says. "We can say she go sick!"Tiffany adds onto Emma's suggestion. "That might actually work"Lou agreed. "Tomorrow morning we start the plans"Lou says and we all nod.


"Ok Griff Xander says if you can go to the WoodChuck Cabin and help him with something"Emma lies. He nods and walks to the cabin. Once Griff walks into the cabin Tiffany locks the door shut.

~(Y/N) POV~

I walk out the shower to get my clothes I accidentally left when I went to shower. I froze when I saw Griff. "What are you doing here!?"I shout shock. "E-Emma told me I had to come and help Xander with something in here"Griff covered his now red face. I grab the clothes holding my towel tightly and walk back to the bathroom and change.

I walk out from the bathroom and sit on my bed. "So why have you been ignoring me lately?"Griff asked. "I'm not ignoring you"I mumbled looking down. "Yes you are! Every time I'm near you, you run away from me. What did I do wrong?"His voice cracked at the end. "I-I'm sorry. It's just I wanna give you some space to be with your friends. They seem to like you more than a friend and I guess they're more perfect for you than I am"I said playing with my thumbs.

"What? You know I only love you. I wouldn't leave you for anyone else because you're perfect for me"He said making me look up at him. "I love you and only you"He says before pressing his lips on yours. You instantly wrap you hands around his neck and kiss back.

My Bad Boy {Griff X Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن