(Y/N) goes Oink Oink!! Pt.1

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~Griffs POV~

"Guys what's going on?"I asked Lou and Zuri. "NOTHING!"The both shout quickly. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "Tell me what's goi-"I was cut off by some kids shouting. "(Y/N) GOES OINK OINK!!". "What?!"I shout shocked looking back at the two girls in front of me. "Someone is making (Y/N) look bad. First the Xander prank and now this"Zuri says as Lou hands me a paper with a picture of my girlfriends face on a pigs body.

It was captioned with, '(Y/N) piggy! Oink Oink!'. "Who would do this!?"I shouted angrily and ran to check on (Y/N). When I walked to the cabin I stopped when I heard her talking to herself. "(Y/N) your suck a pig. They're right. You're so fat. So ugly! I'm disgusted by you"She cried out. I opened the door closing it quietly. "Baby.."I whispered, she turned around and my heart dropped. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Tears streaming non-stop.

I run up to her and hug her tightly

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I run up to her and hug her tightly. "Baby don't cry. It's not true. You're perfect they way you are. All your flaw make you, you. The person I love. Don't say things about yourself like that! You aren't disgusting! You aren't a pig! Your aren't ugly! You aren't fat! Don't listen to others or the rumors! Your are you! Your are unique! That's why I love you! Not because your look but because your personality"Griff says as a tear drops down his face.

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