In This Crazy World of Ours

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Hello. My name is Damian Phillips. I am 20 years old. I am a Philosophy student. A crew member at McDonald's. A writer. A dreamer. The son of a preacher. The list goes on and on for me, but one thing's for sure, though. I am a human being.

Be forewarned. This is not going to be some supernatural love story. In fact, this isn't romance at all. This is going to be a short compilation of the everyday lives of different people. Some of you may find this boring. I'm not asking you to stay, but if you want to, then that'd be really nice. 

I was 14 years old when I started to take things seriously. Sometimes, I'd go to the local park and just sit on one of the benches, silently watching people do their business. Sometimes, I'd lock myself in my room and sit on one corner, writing down on my journal anything that comes into my mind. You can call me emo, loser, gay, or some whiny soft-punk ass. You can call me anything. If that's what makes you happy, then that's fine by me. 

No, I'm not some freaking Gandhi or whatever. I'm just respecting your choices. I mean, that's how society wants us to do, right? Respect all living things, despite the differences that creates a barrier between us. 

So yeah, this story doesn't have a plot or anything. I just want you to look at the different lives of people I've interviewed and I want you to stop and ponder for a moment. 

If you're luckier than the people I've mentioned in this story, then be thankful. But don't just be thankful. If you can, then try to think of a way to help people like them. Trust me, the world would be a better place if others would stop being absorbed in their own fantasy and step out of their comfort zone to reach out. 

But if you think the characters are still luckier than you, don't be afraid to ask for help. If you don't, then nothing's going to happen. But if you really think that no one's around to pick you up, I kindly ask that you stop thinking like that for it will only put you down. There are actually groups out there who want to help you live a better life. Don't be afraid to take their hand. 

Ok wait, let me make it easier for you. I'm not really good at this, but I'm trying. 

Basically, this is just a compilation of some short stories about different people and the lives that they lead (yeah, I've mentioned that earlier). And well, the goal of this short story is not to make you think that you are luckier than them, nor depress you with what you may think of as 'shallow' stories, but to make you think that you're not alone in this world and that everyone is fighting their own battle so whether you like the person or not, you need to be kind to them. 

Try to see the good in everyone. 

Oh, the characters are fictional so don't bother looking for them. But well, their experiences are real. And it happens everyday, all around the world. 

So please, I hope you stick around until the very end. This story won't take much of your time. And who knows, maybe you might also learn something from this compilation I did. 

***The other chapters are coming. I just want to let people criticize my intro. :) Thank you so much!*** 

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