Chapter Twenty

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"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed angrily.

"I got dragged in here, what about you? I thought you were trying to escape?" he growled.

"Obviously my plan failed," I muttered through gritted teeth.

I heard a whistle blow and I growled a curse under my breath. "Ryland I have no choice, I have to fight you," I tried to explain, putting up my fists.

He merely shrugged.

"Ry please put your fists up," I pleaded when he just stood there. He shook his head.

I looked to my mate but his gaze was stone cold. He watched me through narrowed eyes for a moment before glancing pointedly at Ryland.

You better start fighting before Derek kills him, Aetrix advised.

I swallowed hard and turned back towards Ryland. He appeared completely calm—somehow.

"I'm sorry," I whispered then swung a hard punch towards his face. My fist collided with his cheek and I let out an audible wince when he stumbled backwards.

He didn't make a sound as he moved to stand in front of me again.

"Ryland please fight back," I begged.

I wanted to scream when he put his hands behind his back in response. Help me end this quickly? I asked my wolf.

Fine, but you should add a few extra kicks and punches so Derek doesn't get upset, he suggested.

Okay. I punched Ryland in the stomach and brought my knee up when he doubled over. He looked at me—his nose broken and blood dripping from his mouth—and I grit my teeth against the guilt clawing at my stomach.

I felt strength run through my body and my knuckles struck his temple hard enough to knock him to the floor. When he didn't get up I started to panic but I let out a heavy breath when his chest continued to rise and fall.

I'm sorry Ryland, I thought, chewing the inside of my cheek. I watched painfully as two wolves dragged his body out.

"I'm done now, I'm not fighting anymore," I growled at my mate.

Thayne smirked. "Oh no Roxanne, that's against the rules. Once you start fighting, you keep going until you lose," he sneered.

Another growl rumbled deep in my chest. I clenched my fists so tight that my nails bit into my palms. "You can't be fucking serious!"

His smirk just grew wider. He nodded to the wolf guarding the door and another man was allowed into the ring. He was young and his eyes were burning with excitement.

I heard a whistle blow again and he immediately threw a punch at my face. I ducked but not fast enough.

His fist caught my cheekbone making me fall against the metal caging with a cry. My hand flew up to cover my cheek, still stinging from his nearly bone-breaking blow.

Why is this guy so strong?

His wolf is in control, look at his eyes, Aetrix said.

The man's eyes were completely black. I cursed under my breath and scrambled to my feet. I ducked to avoid another punch and managed to hit his knee with my heel.

I winced at the spine-chilling scream that followed the horrible cracking noise as his knee twisted and snapped. The man immediately latched onto the caging for support.

My uppercut punch hit his jaw and he landed hard on his back. I kicked his ribs as hard as I could, cringing at the harsh noise.

This is awful, how are they watching this for fun? I thought as I stomped down on his throat to keep him from standing.

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