Chapter Nineteen

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"Are you fucking insane?" Ryland growled. "You are never going to get out of here alive Roxie!"

"I don't care! I have to at least try!" I snapped.

He growled under his breath but said nothing more.

"Now I don't want you to get into trouble so we need to figure out how to make you look innocent," I muttered.

"I AM innocent!"

"Do you really think Thayne will believe that?" I shot back.

He went silent again.

Do you have any ideas Aetrix? Or are you just going to be an asshole and go ghost again? I growled at my wolf.

Ryland is a much lower rank than you. Thanks to me, you can easily command him and then knock him out. Just don't tell him what you're going to do and he will appear innocent, he told me.

My eyes widened slightly. Wow, I think that's the first time you've been helpful since I got here.

He growled making me smirk. I snapped out of the conversation with my wolf and looked at Ryland. He was leaning against the door, his gaze locked on me.

I sighed. "I'm really sorry about this Ryland," I muttered. "Open the door," I ordered in my wolf's voice.

His face twisted in pain as he tried to fight my command, but he couldn't disobey for more than just a few moments. His eyes glazed over for a second and I grinned when I heard it unlock.

I swung my fist across his temple, knocking him out just as the door opened. I swore when I saw that Jackson wasn't on duty.

I grabbed the front of the guard's shirt and yanked him hard into the wall. His head smashed into it, leaving a small indent in the paint.

I sprinted down the hall, listening for any incoming wolves—but I didn't hear anything. In fact, I didn't sense any movement in the house at all.

I slowed my pace as I approached the front door. I pushed it open and quickly glanced around—still not a soul in sight.

"Where the hell is everyone?" I murmured.

Faint footsteps suddenly hit my ears and I let out a string of curse words. I took off running towards the forest, towards Xavier's pack.

I paused inside the forest to shift quickly. I hissed at the instant aching pain in my bones. Damn it's been a while since I last shifted, I realized.

I fell to the grass on four paws and shook off the soreness. Aetrix tried to take over as soon as I started running but I held him back.

Let me have control! he snarled.

Absolutely not! You're just going to take me to Thayne! I snapped, pushing him to the back of my mind.

As I sped through the familiar forest all the memories came flooding back. I remembered every single stick and stone; every fallen tree and hole in the ground.

Thundering paw steps in my ears filled me with panic. Why are they getting louder?

Because they're getting closer, Aetrix scoffed.

Well no shit! But how are two wolves catching up to a beta with alpha blood? I snarled.

Pain suddenly shot through my right side as my feet left the ground. I hit the rough bark of a tree and everything went numb; my ears were ringing and I could taste blood in my mouth.

I started to pick myself up but froze when a shadow suddenly loomed over me. I slowly looked up at the dark form and felt my heart instantly sink.

Familiar grey fur surrounded the two gleaming black eyes. From down here he looked truly massive.

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