Chapter Six - New

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All of the following chapters are completely new with additional content. Please vote and leave comments so I know if you guys like this version better!

I will also need to add some trigger and content warnings because this version is definitely a little darker with more mature themes so please proceed with caution.


I slammed my head against the stone floor as hard as I could. The pain that immediately bloomed across my forehead was nothing compared to the agony ripping through my skull and tearing down my spine. A scream escaped my lips, tears relentlessly streaming down my face.

"Please," I sobbed, "Just make it stop." I clawed at my head, desperately willing the pain to end.

"Roxie, stop fighting it."

I looked up at Xavier; he was kneeling in front of me, his face screwed up in pain as he watched. "Make it stop please," I begged. I could barely breathe. "Just stop it please, I can't do this."

He held my face, his thumb gently running along my skin. "Come on little wolf, you're so close this time, I can't force you through this again." He pressed a kiss onto my temple and another sob racked through my chest. "I wish I could take the pain away, I'm so sorry Roxie."

He said he would do this as many times as I asked him to, but the tortured look on his face told me it might kill him to do it even once more. "You're almost there," he tried to say but his voice cracked when I shook my head. "Roxie please, I will if I have to, but I don't want to force you through this a fourth time."

"I just need it to stop," I cried, collapsing onto the floor as the pain continued coursing through my body.

"It'll stop once you finish shifting, I promise."

I swallowed against the knot in my throat and fought against the pain in my chest to take a deep breath. "Just finish it," I whimpered.

"Don't fight it," he murmured. He took a deep breath and then his eyes went completely black. His growl echoed in the cell, sending a harsh shiver through me. "Shift."

I thought the scream that left my throat might split my eardrums. My stomach flipped and my vision started to go fuzzy. I swore repeatedly, squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm going to pass out," I gasped. "Xavier!"

"Fuck," he hissed. I heard him shuffling around and suddenly my head was in his lap. "You have to stay awake, just slow your breathing."

I did as he said. My fingers curled into his pants as I tried desperately to breathe through the pain, but it was slowly becoming absolutely debilitating. Harsh cracking filled the cell and I screamed as my bones started to break.

The agony endured for what felt like hours, I did everything I could to focus on Xavier's fingers gently stroking my hair instead of the excruciating pain that threatened to force me unconscious. My hands started to twist so I pushed away from my alpha; my canines lengthened and sharpened into fangs that pierced my lip immediately.

I finally reopened my eyes and everything was violet. I couldn't breathe. "Something's wrong," I said through gritted teeth. My mind went blank for a moment as the pain in my head became absolutely unbearable.

"Aetrix," Xavier said and my head lifted, a growl vibrating deep in my chest. My stomach dropped instantly.

I fought against the urge to stand up fully. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt my wolf trying to challenge him. My body quivered as I clung desperately to the little control I still had, searing pain in my skull as I battled with Aetrix.

"What's going on?" There was panic in Xavier's voice.

His voice was the distraction my wolf needed. It was like something snapped and I was thrown into the back of my mind. My ears flattened against my head, my teeth bared in a challenging snarl. My fur was bristing and I could just feel the charged energy in the air. My wolf was powerful, far more powerful than I had realized and he knew it.

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