Chapter Eleven

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They yanked me over to a special table with restraints and unlocked my handcuffs before throwing me onto the top. I winced as my back hit the metal surface.

I wasn't sure if the chill running down my spine was from the cold table or the fear that ran through my veins like ice.

My arms and legs were strapped down and then they locked a collar around my neck. I shifted my body around, testing the strength of the straps.

"Don't bother, the material is reinforced with silver threads," Derek said as he moved to stand beside the table.

I glared at him. "Why am I still alive?" I demanded and he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Definitely didn't think that would be your first question," he remarked in an amused tone.

"You shot me with a marked arrow," I growled.

"Yes I did. And not only was it marked, it was silver. You took a silver arrow to the chest yet here you are, up and about a week later. How the hell is that possible?" he snarled and I clenched my jaw.

"I heal very fast," I muttered.

"No wolf can heal that fast with silver running through their system," he growled.

"Because you're an expert on werewolf anatomy and health?" I snorted and he snarled at me.

My shirt was suddenly ripped open and I growled at him when I was left in my shorts and sports bra. His gaze raked over my body before stopping at my chest.

"Please explain to me how you are completely healed. It would be one thing if you were still severely injured and just had a high pain tolerance but all that remains of your wounds are scars. I know you did something to get rid of the silver, I'm not stupid Roxanne," he growled.

My eyes widened in surprise. "Oh now see—I didn't know that."

The back of his hand came across my face and I gasped as my lip was split open and my canines cut into my cheek. Blood welled up in my mouth and I nearly gagged at the taste.

He put his face close to mine and his eyes swirled black. "Stop fucking with me Roxanne," he growled.

"I'm not fucking with you, I never did and I never will," I replied obnoxiously.

It seemed to piss him off to the point of no return. "I'm done with your games, now tell me how you got rid of the silver," he snarled.

I clenched my jaw. "No," I said firmly.

He snarled loudly and waved over one of the guards. The guard pulled out a syringe and went to put it into my neck but Thayne stopped him. "I'm giving you one last chance Roxanne," he growled.

"Fuck. You," I snarled, and the needle was jammed into my neck. I let out a hiss of pain as the liquid entered my bloodstream.

Everything suddenly started to blur and black tendrils began obscuring my vision. I looked around wildly in panic.

"What the fuck is going on?" I screamed as everything went completely dark.

My eyes were open but I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly I felt a harsh pain in my wrists and a bright light shone overhead. I realized it was the moon, that I was outside and my hands were bound tightly in chains.

The chains extended from the stone floor I was kneeling on. I looked around at the forest that surrounded me. The stone spread in a circle around my body but then turned to grass.

A breeze blew past me and my eyes snapped down to the white silk that floated around my legs. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the perfectly fitting dress that hugged my chest and waist tightly before falling loosely to my bare feet.

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