Chapter Five

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"Ow! Daniel that fucking hurts, cut it out!" I growled, swatting his hand away from my leg.

"Well sorry, I need to check how well it's healing. And since it still hurts I'm guessing it's not healing as fast as Sara hoped," he muttered.

I glared at him and stood up from the couch. He immediately moved to help me but stopped when I growled at him.

"I can walk just fine on my own," I snapped and he raised his hands up in surrender.

"Calm down Rox. What's up with you? You've been really short with everyone for the past few days, what's wrong?" He asked gently.

"It's my wolf," I admitted.

"Is she bothering you?" He asked.

I bit my cheek as my mind veered back to a few years ago, the day I shifted for the first time. "He."

"What?" He looked at me with eyes full of confusion.

"My wolf's a he. His name is Aetrix," I told him.

"Does Xavier know about this?" Daniel asked and I shook my head. "You realize you're going to have to tell him, right?"

I nodded slowly, letting out a tired sigh. "Yeah, I just don't understand why my wolf is so different. I shifted when I was thirteen like alphas normally do but there was nothing normal about my wolf. He took over completely and I blacked out. I woke up covered in blood and they told me I killed more than a dozen wolves before they managed to sedate me. My wolf never speaks, it's like he's a ghost. He never even told me his name, I had to give him one to keep myself sane," I explained.

"If he doesn't speak then how do you know your wolf is male?"

"Someone mentioned that my wolf was way too big to be a female," I muttered.

"Well is there anything I can do to help?" Daniel asked.

"I don't know. I haven't shifted since that first time, I'm afraid I'll hurt someone again," I murmured. "It's part of the reason I was never able to escape my old pack."

"Well a human can't outrun a wolf," he sighed. "Xavier is probably your best bet, his wolf used to be pretty difficult to control so he might be able to help you. If not I will figure something out."

"Thank you," I said and hugged him tightly.

"Now come on, we were supposed to be Xavier's office almost twenty minutes ago," he informed me.

I cringed. "Shit," I muttered and Daniel walked with me to the pack house and inside to Xavier's office.

We came through the door and Xavier's eyebrow shot up. He glanced at the clock on the wall and then his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"What were you two doing?" He asked as he leaned back in his desk chair.

"I'll tell you later," Daniel said as I moved to the couch.

"I hope so. Right now I need to talk to the both of you about Roxie's placement in the pack," he said.

My heart pounded. "You aren't going to kick me out are you?"

Xavier scowls at me. "Of course not. But we do need to discuss your rank."

I stared down at my feet. "You're going to make me omega," I sighed and he growled.

"Rox, stop assuming the worst in everything. I would never do that to you, do you want to know why?" he asked.


"I used to be in your place. That's why Alpha Thaddeus hates me so much, I used to be a rogue. I was brought into this pack when I was 9 years old and raised by the alpha and luna. Their son died in a border skirmish and they needed someone strong enough to act as an heir," he told me and my eyes widened.

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