Chapter Six

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One year later . . .

My paws thrummed against the ground and the trees flew past me in a blur. I could hear blood rushing in my ears and my heart pounding in my chest.

I kept my eyes locked on my target, a dark brown wolf running ahead of me. I pushed my legs faster and took a massive leap, landing on the wolf's back.

My claws curled into his shoulders and he howled in pain. I latched my teeth around his neck and jerked my head to the side.

The wolf yelped and stumbled, his legs collapsing underneath him. I jumped off of him just before his body crashed onto the ground.

I stalked towards him, my ears flattened against my head and my teeth bared in a snarl. The wolf growled back, his haunches raised.

I dug my claws into the ground and darted forward. My body collided with his and I knocked the wolf onto his back. I locked my teeth around his throat and bit down harder until blood flowed, warm and thick, into my mouth.

The wolf whimpered once before falling limp in my jaws. I dropped the body as my ears caught a faint rustling.

I whipped around and launched myself into the bushes, my body colliding with a massive mound of fur. We tumbled through the forest and landed on the ground hard.

I growled at myself when I realized who I just attacked. I backed off, my head bowed in submission. The black wolf shifted and I averted my eyes as the man put on a pair of shorts.

I tried to shift as well but a sharp pain shot through my skull.

Aetrix! I snarled and felt him relinquish control.

I sighed and let my body to shift. I caught the shirt and shorts the man threw at me and quickly slipped them on.

The shorts barely covered my ass and the shirt was tight but it was better than standing naked in front of my Alpha.

"Why were you following me Xavier?" I demanded and he chuckled.

"That was your test," he said.

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes, and you passed. You are now the beta female," he told me and I squealed in excitement.

He laughed when I threw my arms around his neck. He hugged me tightly and lifted me up before setting me back down onto my feet. "Come on, let's go give Daniel and Charlie the good news," he chuckled and we headed back through the darkening forest.

We walked for about ten minutes through the darkening forest before everything opened up into a large clearing. We found Daniel and Charlie in the house we all shared. They were actually boxing in the basement where a full ring was set up.

"You're gonna end up in the hospital if you keep messing with me old man," Daniel sneered.

Charlie growled. "And you're going back to daycare if you keep acting like a child," he retorted and I rolled my eyes.

"Guys?" I tried to get their attention but they continued to circle each other, threats flying out of their mouths faster than I could comprehend.

"Guys?" I repeated, my voice growing louder and quickly filling with irritation.

"Just hit me already you fucking pussy!" Daniel yelled and Charlie growled once again before throwing himself forward.

The two collided and they hit the floor with a thud. They kept yelling and growling at each other and throwing mad punches and blind jabs.

"This is ridiculous," I muttered and put my fingers to my lips. I saw Xavier cover his ears just as I let out a sharp whistle.

Charlie and Daniel immediately pulled away from each other, covering their ears and groaning in pain. I smirked as they looked over at us.

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