chapter twenty-nine

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(a/n: SECOND TO LAST CHAPTER IM EMO also sean is in this, i missed his ass even tho its been like 2 chapters; its long as heck too so get comfortable)

april seven

after four days of puzzling all the information julian currently had with kenneth, he decided to go the next step of his plan.

he had to talk to josh, and that was something he had been dreading since the very beginning. josh was the person who always kept him in check. he was always the one he'd get into trouble with, but this time julian had dug himself into a mess bigger than the both of them.

now, he knew that it wouldn't be easy to get josh to talk to him again considering he wouldn't even look his way after prom. even before that, josh always seemed to tense up around jules but tried his best to hide it to not draw any further attention.

julian had a plan, and it wasn't an original one either.

he arrived to school early and entered the locker room with kenneth.

"so what do i have to do?" kenneth yawns.

"well," julian sits on one of the benches. "i want you to hit me in the face with a volleyball. hit the ball the hardest you've ever hit anything in your entire life. i want you to channel all that hatred you have for me because of what i did."

"what?" kenneth instantly wakes up from his sleepy state from being at school at six thirty. "why would i do that?"

"that way when i hopefully become unconscious, josh will take me to the nurse, and we can finally settle all of our issues," julian nods.

"i don't want to hurt you, jules," kenneth shakes his head. "plus the bruise could take forever to heal and could fuck up your face or your brain."

"think of it this way: my brain had to have already been fucked up if i did all the shit that i did to sean," julian responds seriously.

"jules," ken starts.

"i know it's not the best idea, but i don't really know why else josh would talk to me," julian slides his back against the wall. "i know he still cares about me, so if i got hurt..."

kenneth places a hand on julian's shoulder and sighs, "alright, but it's not my fault if you get a black eye or something."

"okay," julian lets out a small chuckle. "pretend i'm james if that makes it any easier."

"god, i hate that bastard," kenneth slurs.

"who doesn't?" julian opens the camera app of his phone and starts to examine his face. "try not to aim straight for my face, it's not easy being this good looking."

kenneth rolls his eyes then rests his head on the bench in attempts to get a few more minutes of sleep. julian follows and the two sleep for the next hour.

; an hour later ;

"jesus christ, julian! kenneth!" mr. evan's voice bellows as he stares down at the two sleeping boys sprawled across the floor of the locker room. "this is a changing room not your bedroom!"

julian and kenneth instantly jerk up and scurry to their respective lockers, mumbling quiet sorries to their coach.

julian changes into his uniform and as he is doing so, he sees josh enter the room through his peripheral vision. as josh reaches him, julian gives him a half smile only for josh to look the other way.

jules sighs and slams his locker. he heads to the gym and starts to warm up while waiting for the bell to ring.

after a few moments of stretching, the bell rings and the rest of the team hurries inside the gym. julian grabs the ball with the most pressure to ensure 'the most pain' and positions himself near josh's regular corner of the gym. kenneth enters and goes to the opposite side of julian, and they begin to serve the ball to one another.

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