chapter twenty-six

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march twenty-five
prom part two

"what'd you do?" sean's fists ball up.

"oh, it's not what i did," james places his hand over his chest. "it's what they did."


"i'll just get straight to the point." he sighs. "it was all julian and josh's idea to have you try and get vivian. they've been in on it this entire time!"

sean stares at the ground, clenching his jaw. "you're lying."

"oh, but you see, i'm really not," james shrugs innocently.

sean remains silent.

"not only that, but they've been helping me. well, mostly julian," james continues. "in fact, it was julian's idea to have you record everything."

sean freezes and resists the urge to punch james in the face.

james laughs, seeing the anger levels rise in sean. "and guess what? he's the one who got you expelled."

sean cuts james off and leaves the restroom infuriated. he looks across the entire ballroom looking for julian and josh.

he quickly finds julian and josh near one of the exits of the venue to the parking lot. he makes his way towards them with his hands still in a fist.

"outside, now." sean commands as he sees them. he exits first and walks into the middle of the parking lot before turning around.

"what's wrong se-"

'what the fuck!" sean's fist meets julian's face.

"shit," josh mutters quietly to himself.

"what was that for?!" julian says as he struggles to stand up.

"don't act like you don't know," sean slurs, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "especially you josh."

"i didn't have a choice," julian mumbled.

"you didn't have a choice? you seriously didn't have a choice?" sean laughs. "there's always a choice, julian, and it's just whether or not you can live with the one you made. and i guess you did."

"sean," josh begins, reaching his hand towards sean's shoulder but he swats it away. "i was going to tell you."

"really? so why didn't you? why did it take you a month to say something?" sean says coldly.

"i tried saying something! lexee's party, school, i went to your house!" josh retaliates. "hell, i told julian to stop all of it."

"he didn't do anything, sean, it was all me," julian speaks up, walking in front of josh.

"yeah, maybe, you're right," sean scoffs. "i mean, it was your idea to make me record everything vivian said after all,"

"you did what?" josh turns to julian.

a confused expression covers julian's face. "that wasn't me."

"are you sure about that? was it not you who tried getting me expelled?" sean glares and josh turns to julian in disbelief.

"you know i would never do anything to hurt you," julian frowns.

"not so sure i can believe anything you say right now," sean sneers.

"wait a minute, how did you find out about all of this?" julian pauses.

"james," sean answers. "of all fucking people i could have heard it from, it was james. what did i ever do to you, julian? literally, the one good thing in my life and you had to g-"

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