chapter seven

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february seventeen ; day three

"bro, you still haven't asked her out yet?" julian asks sean while taking a sip out of his redbull.

it's friday night, and that can only mean one thing for sean: julian and josh come to sleepover and more importantly, complain about school and their overall lives.

sean sinks into the couch and sighs, "she wouldn't let me."

sean still hadn't told anyone about his deal with james, but julian being as nosey as he is managed to see sean at the library with vivian for the past two days. he definitely didn't mention that he was aware of james' plan, he decided it was best to keep that a secret to himself to not hurt sean.

"she wouldn't let you," josh says while still concentrating on playing his videogame. "or you didn't ask?"

"well technically, she said, and i quote, 'i'm
not that easy to get.'" sean explains.

"the clock is ticking, man," julian warns but quickly realizes his implication.

sean raises his eyebrows suspiciously and says, "what do you mean..?"

"the..clock is ticking for destiny!"  julian corrects himself.

julian gets up from the couch and places his hands on both of sean's shoulders.

"this is your chance, sean, to finally get the girl. this is your destiny to be with vivian." julian exaggerates. "and i'm going to help you."

"how?" sean scoffs. "i asked you for advice a few days ago and you told me, 'i'm just this good-looking."

julian puts his finger to sean's lips and shushes him. he then goes to grab sean's abnormally large whiteboard and picks up a marker.

"how to get the girl 101: a class done by yours truly, julian deguzman," julian writes and exclaims simultaneously.

josh finally looks up from his game and laughs hysterically. he's met by julian's glare which forces him to end his game and join in.

"this is my lovely assistant, josh price! welcome him on in everyone!" julian drags josh by the arm to stand besides him.

"i can't believe these are my friends," sean says jokingly and shakes his head.

"step one! find out what she's interested in," julian says while hitting the whiteboard with his marker.

"well...james told me she fell in love with him because he could make her laugh," sean suggests.

"perfect!" julian beams.

"yeah except - no offense, sean - but you're not that funny," josh interupted.

sean glares at josh, did he always that of him?

"i'm being completely honest with you, bro," josh starts. "you're not exactly the comedy king of our group."

"alright, fine." sean grumbles. "how can i be more funny?"

"i'm glad you asked," julian says enthusiastically. "because josh and i will reenact a scenario for you!"

josh turns to julian in confusion but is defeated by julian's glares.

the two whisper to one another for a few seconds as they try to come up with an improv act for sean.

julian and josh nod to sean to make him aware that they were ready.

"!" sean yells.

julian struts over to josh who is by the kitchen counter, pretending to read one of their school textbooks. julian taps josh's shoulder and he looks up to meet his gaze.

"hi, i was wondering if you knew where the nearest starbucks is?" julian says in the most ridiculously pitched voice, causing sean to tear up from laughter.

"quiet on set, please!" julian growls then immediately returns to his role.

julian nudges josh to cue his line.

" you work at starbucks...because i like you a latte..?" josh reads from his phone.

"oh, you!" julian laughs and punches josh's shoulder a little too hard. "you're soooo funny!"

"and scene!" julian turns to sean and bows. josh shakes his head and heads back to the kitchen to grab some chips.

"that didn't even make sense," sean chuckles. "she asked you where starbucks is and you asked if she worked there."

"whatever bro, you get the gist." julian ignores sean's comment and returns to the whiteboard.

"okay so, what you're telling me is that i google search a bunch of corny pickup lines and she'll instantly fall head over heels for me." sean rolls his eyes. "i need some serious tips, jules."

"i was being serious!" julian argues, placing his hands on his hips. josh laughs to himself from the argument between the two.

"fine, fine. let's be serious this time. phase one of how to get the girl," julian raises his fist in the air. "spend as much time as you can with her."

julian then starts to map out vivian's school schedule.

"she works at that one pretzel place at the mall, right?" julian turns to sean.

he nods in response and julian exclaims, "okay, perfect! you're gonna start working there too!"

"okay, but what if i don't get the job?" sean asks.

"i'll take care of that," julian winks.

"what other extracurricular activities is viv in?" josh asks as he takes a seat next to sean. "isn't she like insanely involved?"

"she's in almost every club," julian remembers.

"there's academic decathl-" josh stops himself to laugh. "okay, cross that off the list."

sean opens his mouth to protest but realizes he's right.

"hey, i have an idea," julian starts. "why don't you get her to try out for the girls' volleyball team? the guys get to train them and scrimmage with them once a week."

"tryouts are next week," sean interrupts.

"what if she sucks? one week to train someone won't be easy," josh reminds the two.

"fine, scratch that," julian sighs. "just invite her to our games and make sure she comes. let's hope you can win her with you charm, and not hit her in the face this time."

"wait guys," josh stands up. "lexee is having one of her parties tomorrow. you know her parties are, it'll be the biggest one of the year. why don't you invite vivian?"

sean shakes his head but before he can say anything, julian grabs sean's phone and starts to dial.

"sean? what's up?" viv's voice answers.

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