chapter twenty-seven

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march twenty-six

julian stares at the steering wheel, contemplating whether or not his destination in mind was a good idea. after the chaos of events that was last night, he knew he had to do something. he had to fix the mess he had made.

he chased after sean who went looking for vivian and overheard the conversation in its entirety. sean had no idea he was even there considering julian was crouched behind a random car the entire time. to julian, he wished he hadn't been there at all after what he had seen.

when vivian told him she was dared to date him, julian could almost feel his heart breaking too as he looked at sean. he had never seen him that way.

"fuck it," he shakes the image away from
his mind.

he starts the engine and drives off, hoping that one day everything would return back to normal.

it was eleven at night, and the roads were completely clear. he didn't bother to turn on the car radio, and the only sound he could hear was the car wheels against the gravel.

he pulls up to the driveway and takes a deep breath. instead of knocking, he pulls out his phone and starts a new message.

from: julian
can we talk? i'm outside

he sits down on the sidewalk for five minutes without a response. just as he is about to go back to his car, he hears the door open.

"what are you doing here?"

"josh," julian sighs in relief.

"are you drunk?" josh asks as soon as he sees julian's bloodshot eyes and the bottles of alcohol in the backseat of his car.

"i need your help." julian ignores the question.

josh closes the door behind him cautiously and walks over to julian. "why would i help you?"

"because..." julian looks down. "you're my best friend."

josh shakes his head. "you were my best friend, not anymore. you know everything that happened last night was because of you? that was your fault, julian."

"i know," julian felt a lump in his throat, knowing he was on the verge of breaking down."i want to make it right."

"how do you plan on doing that?" josh frowns.

"that's why i need your help," julian looks up to josh.

josh turns back to walk to his door.

"wait!" julian takes a step closer. "i followed sean and viv after they left. she said someone dared her to go out with him."

josh's eyes widen but he hesitates to face julian. his hands ball up into fists but immediately relax. "i'm sorry, julian. i think you've done enough."

"jo-" julian is cut off by the door shutting.

he walks back to his car and rests his forehead on the rim of the steering wheel.

april three

it's been nine days since prom, and the tension between everyone hasn't decreased in even the slightest amount. for the past week, sean hadn't bothered showing up to school and vivian quit her job at the pretzel shop and as captain of the cheer team.

people tried reaching to both vivian and sean but neither had responded to anyone. vivian remained in her bubble of friends with nat and lexee, but sean completely shut himself off from everyone.

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