chapter six

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february 15 • day one

"" sean's voice cracks and his face turns a bright red.

"i'm just kidding," vivian giggles. "oh sean, you're so gullible."

she pauses for a moment and looks at sean in the eyes, saying, "i barely know you, i'm not that easy to get." she winks and hands sean her impromptu quiz.

"haha, right..." sean laughs awkwardly.

"good luck!" viv bats her eyelashes then continues her homework.

sean reads the first question to himself, and to his surprise, he actually knows the answer. within five minutes, he finishes the quiz feeling somewhat successful.

he hands the paper over to vivian who has finished what sean believed to be six hours worth of homework in only two hours.

he watches vivian's face nervously as she grades through his paper.

"okay," she says. "you got a 75%. that's not bad. not bad at all considering you average at a..."

she drags the 'a' sound as she awaits for sean to continue.

"a D.."

"well a 75 is a C, so that's improvement!" she smiles, and not in a sarcastic way that sean was used to seeing when people saw his grades. she seems genuinely proud of his small achievement, though sean didn't see it that way.

after three hours of vivian helping sean with history, they decide it's time to end their little study session.

they exit the library and start walking back to vivian's house when she suddenly stops. she turns to sean and says, "i'm kind of hungry. do you want to grab some ice cream?"

sean nods and they head across the street towards the ice cream parlor. when they enter, it's completely empty apart inside apart from the worker.

"one mint chocolate chip scoop please," vivian orders while sean makes a mental note to himself of her preference.

"uh, i'll get vanilla," sean says.

"vanilla? that's so plain, why don't you get something more...exciting!" vivian suggests.

"okay fine," sean shrugs. "pick a flavor for me."

vivian smiles and scans the choices eagerly then says, "he'll have a scoop of the wasabi pea dust flavor, please!"

sean looks at the flavor in disgust. he then looks at vivian who pouts pleadingly, trying to make sean order it anyways. he sighs in defeat and goes to pay the cashier.

vivian grabs their cones and they walk out of the parlor.

"go on, try it!" she begs.

"why on earth would anyone think wasabi is a good ice cream flavor?" sean scoffs.

he tries the flavor and instantaneously disgusted by it. vivian bursts into laughter once again at sean's demise.

"i can't believe you made me order that!" sean says, joining in on viv's laughter.

"not my fault," she laughs.

"oh really?" sean replies sarcastically.

he starts to chase her with the wasabi ice cream still in hand.

"vanilla? that's soooo boring!" sean mocks. he then takes the ice cream and throws some of it to vivian.

it lands on the side of her mouth. she pauses, looks at sean, then licks some of it off.

"oh god...that is disgusting." she chuckles.

"i feel bad," she stops. "here, have some of mine."

she hands over her cone to sean and finishes it within five seconds, leaving none for vivian.

"thanks!" he smirks.

they begin to walk back to vivian's house, and silence falls again for about ten minutes.

"you know lew," vivian begins. "i don't understand why we've never spoken until yesterday."

she turns to him with a soft expression the looks away.

"i know exactly why," sean mumbles to himself, hoping she didn't hear that. sean's nervousness always got the best of him. when he did try to get out there by hitting up other girls, it always failed.

"thank you for today and well, the following days we'll have together," sean replies while looking at the ground.

silence falls between them for a few seconds.

"i have something for you," sean grabs the sunflowers out of his backpack.

vivian's eyes widen, and a surprised look spreads throughout her face. she smiles and her eyes twinkle along with them as she carefully takes them from sean.

"sorry, they're slightly bent...i meant to give them to you in the morn-"

"'re perfect," she says, still not having taken her eyes off the flowers yet.

"in fact...they're my favor-" vivian says but is cut off by sean.

"favorite..yeah, i know," he says softly.

"thank you, sean." she looks up at him, with that same twinkle still in her eyes. he's never seen her like this. yeah, he's seen her smile and laugh at school. but not like this.

she turns to her front door and begins to fumble through her keys. just as sean is about to leave, viv turns around and races towards him.

"maybe one day you'll get that date," she says slowly. "but it'll take more than a twenty question quiz to get it."

and with that, she hugs sean goodbye and enters her house.

author's note
thank you so much everyone for 200 reads!! i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far it really warms my heart when you guys comment :') i published another sean fanfic called "unsent" check it out if ya like

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