chapter nine

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february eighteen ; day four

"long time no talk, viv,"

she looks at him, and her face is expressionless. she doesn't respond and drags sean away.

when they finally exit the house, sean realizes what had just happened.

they walk in silence away from the house for five minutes.

eventually, vivian takes a deep breath and turns to sean, "i'm really sorry about that."

"it's fine, i understand,"

"i just...i can't even look at him," viv sighs.

sean realizes they didn't use his car, and julian is probably making out with christy in some random bathroom so using his wasn't an option either.

"um, here's the thing," sean starts. "i don't really have a car to use right now. do you want me to just walk you home?"

vivian stops walking and widens her eyes.

"i can't come home like this," she turns at herself from top to bottom, realizing she's still soaking wet. "can we go somewhere else?"

sean nods and takes off his jacket and places it around her, noticing how freezing she must be. she smiles at the ground at his gesture.

"i know just the place," sean replies.

they walk in silence for the rest of the trip. passing through random neighborhoods at one in the morning was not how either of them expected the night would end.

"where are we going?" vivian asks as the two are struggling to go up a hill, after passing through a mini forest.

"just trust me, okay?" sean says, still facing toward their destination.

"okay, i trust you," viv says quietly to herself.

after another five minutes of tripping over random branches and rocks on the hill, they reach their destination.

"wow..." viv says in awe, looking around her.

they're at the very top of the hill, with the view of their entire, tiny city in front of them. sean always thought the view of their city lights was much nicer than that of any in new york or los angeles.

the spot was sean's little secret, with only him, julian, and josh knowing about it. they all swore to never show it to anybody else, but sean felt they wouldn't mind in this specfic situation.

he turns to see vivian whose face still shows amazement over the view. her facial expression is soft and gentle. he smiles to himself, taking in the moment as much as he can, never wanting it to end.

"how did you find this place?" she turns to sean. the same twinkle in her eyes reappears.

sean shrugs,"julian found it when we were in freshman year. i come here a just think...get away from it all."

vivian smiles and turns back to the view.

"i can't believe this is where we live," viv says softly. "it looks so nice from afar..."

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