"So? I think this should do." Lillian said stepping out from behind the boulder. Aang smiled at Lillian and gave her a thumbs up. Sokka looked up from tying his shoe to see Lillian wearing tight dark red pants, a crop top that crossed over her stomach and a  jacket with long slits on the side that covered her arms with a pair of short finger less gloves. Sokka felt his throat suddenly tighten as he felt his face heat up, "Uh, that's um great." Sokka coughed and continued tying his shoes, "Thanks wolf tail!" Lillian grinned. Lillian looked over her shoulder to see Aang staring at Katara and smiled, 'he's got it bad.' Lillian though to herself, Suddenly a dark grey cloak fell over Lillian, "HEY!" Lillian cried, "Relax would you!" Sokka groaned as he adjusted the cloak around Lillian's shoulder's, "Your hair color is kinda obvious that you are a Tenshi, you know?" Sokka said rolling his eyes. Lillian huffed as her cheeks turned pink, "I'm going to check on Appa and Kasai." Lillian said over her shoulder, "We're going into town to find something to eat!" Sokka called, "I'll catch up, don't worry. Firenation girl remember?" Lillian grinned.


Lillian POV

So? We're in Hira? no no no, then we'd be closer to the capital! UGH! I wish I paid attention to Geography in school. This map that Sokka has is so confusing! I grab a bunch of my hair and pull slightly... Ok! If we're here then the capital is here? Nope... Roku's island, Ember island, AH! Sozin's cove! That's wear grandpa Ping's place is! It's just.... no way...." IT'S ON THE NEXT ISLAND!" I cheered aloud! 

I ran over to Kasai and gave him a large hug, "We're so close boy!" I snuggled his mane, "Close to what?" I heard Katara ask, "Never mind that, Have you seen Aang? We can't find him anywhere." I frowned, "What do you mean you can't find him?" I asked trying to understand clearly. That's when Sokka stepped forward, "We went to get meat and he waited outside the shop. When we walked out he was gone and so is MOMO!" Sokka cried dramatically but I rolled my eyes, "Well, his clearly not in trouble." I said feeling confident, "What makes you say that?" Toph asked. I grinned, "Because if he was in danger I would know. He has a silver feather." Katara seemed to relax, "Your Right Lilly, I'm sure he'll turn up." Sokka walked over to the map that I was looking at, "What you looking for?" Sokka asked me and I couldn't hide my excitement, "See this Island over here?" I gestured with my hand. Sokka nodded placing his hands under his chin, "That's Sozin's cove. That's where I grew up. My grandfather's Aquarium and lodging is over here." I smiled but noticed Sokka and Katara's sad expression, "What?" I asked worried. Sokka sighed, "I don't think we should go anywhere where you stayed or knew of or even favored." Sokka said placing his hand on my shoulder, "Azula still know's that you're alive and she could be after you... We need you to stay safe with us." I felt my eyes sting, "But I haven't seen my grandfather in over 4 years... I miss him Sokka...." I felt Sokka pull me into his chest, "I'm sorry Lilly... but we need you here. You'll have to teach Aang firebending and-..." I stepped away shocked, "Woah! ME?!? Teach Aang???" Sokka nodded, "Who else?" Katara added, "I'm honored and all but... I don't think I'm meant to teach the Avatar, I mean... sure I taught Zuko a few forms but," Sokka interrupted me, "Which means your perfect!" I shook my head, "You don't understand... Tenshi are originally bender's yes.... But once our true power blooms we lose the bending technique and rely on our powers in our Tenshi form. I am a strong firebender I'll admit but it's because I'm a tenshi that strengthens it. I can show Aang some basic forms and try but he will have to find a pure firebender in order to truly master firebending." I finished to find Sokka giving me a defeated look and Katara slightly agitated, "Sorry guys..." I kicked the dirt and blew some hair put of my face. Sokka groaned and then began thinking, "A problem for another day." I heard Toph say from behind me, "Yeah... I guess." I say as I watch Sokka take out his schedules and paper work. I feel horrible that I can't teach Aang... But I can help him find the right one when the time comes!

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