Chapter 1- It Started with a Tackle

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"That'll be fifty cents, kid." The merchant gruffly said. A little girl with fair skin and deep, chocolate colored eyes with curly hair to match, searched through her pouch, looking for just the right amount of money. Apparently, she was taking longer than the man would have liked as he let an irritated grunt out. "Hurry up, kid. I ain't got all day." The man spoke roughly to the small child.

"S-sorry sir...uh, uh, here you g-go..." The child spoke softly and shyly, as if afraid to speak. With an annoyed grunt, the merchant swiftly took the cents from the little girls hand and handed her the small orange she had bought.  "T-thank you.."  With a stuttered thanks and a small nod to the man, the child hurriedly ran away from the fruit stand and from the busy streets of down town Konoha. The little girl found herself in her thoughts as she slowed down her pace so that she could enjoy her orange now. She was still fairly new to this village and frankly, she didn't like it very much. She had only been here for at least a week now and she was planning on leaving soon. To her, this village offered nothing she wanted and the town's people were rude and mean, only worrying about themselves. She didn't like them or their attitudes very much. The little girl walked through the streets of Konoha, eating her orange, while she headed to the little area she had been staying at for the past few days.  As she was walking past an alleyway, she heard some people talking. Curiosity getting the best of her, she stopped and listened.

"Please! Stop!" she heard, what she assumed to be a boy, plead.

"HA! As if we'd listen to a freak like you!" Then what sounded like a slap rang through the air. The little girl stood frozen for a second.  Registering what she had just heard, before she dashed down the alley towards where the voices were coming from. As she got closer, she saw a little boy surrounded by five other kids. One of the kids was holding the little boy by the collar of his shirt saying insulting things to him as the others laughed. The boy had tears flowing down his face, having to indure the pain of taking each and every insult thrown at him. The little girl saw this and began to shake. Rage filled her little body.  She hated people like these kids. Bullies, people who picked on others just for the fun of it. She had been in that boy's position before, beaten down physically and mentally. She hated how she felt when it had happened to her and she didn't want anybody else to ever experience that. With a flood of determination running through her, she charged the kids bulling the young boy, tackling the kid that had been holding the little boy by his collar. All the kids' eyes went wide with shock as they were shocked and confused on what just happened. One by one, all the kids looked towards the little girl who was now sitting on the lead bully she had just tackled.

"What are you doing?!?!"  The main bully yelled as he looked up to see a girl sitting on him.

"You shouldn't be mean..."  The child said softly.

"Well who cares what you think!!!!!" The bully said pushing the girl off of him and making the other child fall hard onto the ground.

"O-ow." The little child mumbled as she rubbed the side she had landed on.

"HA! Serves you right!" One of the kids yelled at the fallen girl.

"What did you think you were doing, stupid?!  What? Trying to save this ugly mutt?!" Another one of the bully kids said.

"W-what if I-I was!" The little girl tried to exclaim as best as she could, picking herself up off the ground.

"Then we'd think something's wrong with you! Because everybody knows that this boy is a freak who deserves to die!" The lead bully screeched at the girl, making the little boy cringe.

"He...He's right... I don't know why u did that... but just leave." The little boy said as he sat down on the ground, leaning on the wall behind him, and looking up at all the kids standing around him.

The bully leader laughed through his nose. "See!!! Even he knows wha-"

"NO!" The little girl yelled, interrupting the bully and having everybody's eyes widen in shock at how loud she had become all of a sudden.


"No one deserves to die!" The girl said with such power and confidents, it scared all the bullies, while the little boy smile slightly.

"W-well, any normal person doesn't! But this boy isn't normal!" One of the bullies yelled back at the girl, making the small smile on the young beaten boy vanish just as quickly as it had come.

"So, what does it matter if he's not normal? He still deserves to live." The girl said with a strong voice, passionate in what she said. The little boy looked up at the small girl with a blank face. However, his eyes showed everything that he had gone through as emotions flooded them; pain, suffering, and hurt standing in the front, drowning any and all joy or happiness. But, if only for a moment, a flash, almost uncatchable, broke through the barrier of saddening emotions. It was something the boy had never known before, hope. Never, in all seven years of his life, had this boy ever had someone say such things just for him. Saying he deserves a chance. That he deserves live.

"No he doesn't!" screamed a bully.

"WHY?!" The girl screamed back. Mad and frustrated at these people for everything they keep saying.

"Because he's a demon!" The main bully said disgustedly towards the little boy, looking at him with hate. Turning to look back at the girl, the bullies expected to see her horrified and just as disgusted towards the boy. The little boy looked down towards the ground, unfallen tears clouding his eyes. The last, tiny bit of hope he had, gone as the barrier of pain yet again rebuilt itself. He knew that now, she would take back everything she said and hate him just like everyone else. He felt so crushed, he was all alone again, no one to help. He felt hopelessly and utterly.....broken.



Hi guys! This is my first fanfic. Hope ya'll like it! Plz tell me what ya'll think!

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