A Looming Threat

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I was just casually having a conversation with Bow Tie about the significance of the indigo devices when Alex approached us with a new case file.
This is what it said:
Case file #13
Entry Date: January 22, 1969
Missing Persons: John Caldwell, Lewis Hartting
Information: John Caldwell and Lewis Hartting disappeared on January 10th, 1969. So far we have had no leads as to where they went or what took them.
Entry Date: July 20, 2017
Two bodies were discovered in unmarked graves and their DNA matches that of the missing persons in this case file. The bodies were found outside of Ottowa, Canada. Carbon dating shows that they died around 1812.
After reading the report Bow Tie said, "Ooo, this is one of the first cases U.N.I.T covered after we first encountered The Doctor!"
I interjected, "Not even the best Agent in the history of U.N.I.T could crack this one! Some say it was what kept him going for all those years, too bad he went missing as well. He was working on that case one more time before he was forcefully retired."
"Bonus, we get to go to Canada!"
"That's true."
"While you two are geeking out over a cold case, I'll just be over here reverse engineering this old spaceship!" Alex quipped.
Once Bow Tie and I arrived we met Nathan from the forensics department.
He told us, "The only thing of interest that we found was this chip in either persons arm. They seem to be a technology that we have not yet encountered, but hey, that's not my department."
"Thank you for the information, Nathan," Bow Tie replied.
"Apparently this Caldwell guy and my Great Grandfather, whom I'm named after, were cronies. I used to hear stories about how he disappeared and it used to keep me up at night. I guess it was just a thing my parents used to keep me going on the straight and narrow path."
I commented, "Your family must be very committed, keeping an old story around like that."
"My family is Jewish," he responded.
"Well, that makes more sense. Anyways, to the lab!" I pointed to the air and we set off for HQ.
Once we arrived we handed over the chip to Alex and he seemed to be surprised.
"What's up?" Bow Tie asked.
Alex put on some rubber gloves and removed the chip from the bag.
"So?" Bow Tie asked again.
"Just a sec," Alex responded aloof.
He walked with the chip over to a computer that I assume was from the disassembled spaceship. He stuck the chip in a little slot on the console and the monitor flashed on. A logo that resembled a door popped up on screen and a sort of database came up afterwards. A tab came up that said "Test Subject #47: John Caldwell". The entries in the tab were some sort of broken computer English.
Alex got a worried look on his face and started biting on his fingernails, "This is Lamin tech, it matches up exactly with the stuff we found at Trump tower. Have they been studying us this whole time?"
I took a close look at the entries and started reading them aloud, " 'Subject responded strangely to displacement, subject is frightened. Subject temperature rising rapidly. Subject temperature lethal. Subject life signs depleting rapidly. Subject deceased.' Oh my, he dun got crisped."
"That would line up his death with the burning of Canada's capitol in 1812," Alex said to himself.
"I think we need to have a conversation with our old friends Carmin and Chastity," Bow Tie stated aloud.
"Alex, would you mind uploading this data to Hack-Bat's tablet?" I asked Alex.
"Sure," Alex seemed to calm down a little, "I'll get on it."

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