A Lame Duck Pt. 3

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We ran out the massive hole Bow Tie had made and barreled onto the streets. There were beeping cars and angry taxi drivers all around us. The police were hot on our tail with dogs and all. Fortunately, the dogs caught scent of a drug deal in an alley we passed. We were getting away, that is until fake Gerald got a hold of us.
"Hello agents," fake Gerald said in a creepy voice.
"Hello again officer, if you don't mind we're doing a survey to see what people think of the local coffee shops," I replied.
"Oh, I have to say, the New York City Roast is the best in town Fez."
"Thank you for the response officer, GOTTA BLAST!"
Bow tie and I ran as fast and as far as we could away from fake Gerald.
We arrived at a somewhat remote alleyway and checked our resources.
"I've got the device, Mary's umbrella, and a sledge hammer," Bow Tie listed.
"I have so much stuff in my hat I can't even list all of it, that's why I've convinced Hack-Bat to make a list of all my belongings," I stated.
Hack-Bat popped up from out of my Fez and gave Bow Tie a look at the endless list on her tablet.
"Now that you're out Hack-Bat, how about you scan through the data on the device," she said as she handed Hack-Bat the device.
Hack-Bat popped back inside my Fez and ran through the data.
A minute or two later Hack-Bat came back out and handed us her tablet.
The results were positive for the president elect and his cabinet being shape shifters, except Pence.
"That's strange... Oh, that must've been why everyone except Pence looked at me weird. If I remember correctly, non-human shape shifters can't convey emotions correctly," I thought out loud.
Bow Tie smacked her forehead and said, "Why didn't we think of that earlier!?"
"We need to get Pence before he is replaced."
"Right, alons'y. Wait, they will be better prepared this time and we can't get back across town without being spotted."
"But we can, there's supposed to be high winds in this area heading straight to Trump Tower. If we get in your coat and you lower the overall weight, we can blow all the way to the tower."
"That's quite convenient isn't it?"
"Not quite, I pulled some favors and got Alex to direct all winds in this area toward the tower in case this happened."
"Well that's just cheating."
"Just pulling in the local resources."
"Quite literally"

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