Cab-Snow San Lucas Pt. 1

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I was sitting on my couch casually sharpening a stick, when my phone started to ring.
I picked it up to hear a garbled voice on the other side, "Come to Cabo San Lucas in Baja California Sur, all will be explained there." The voice immediately hung up after that.
I was a bit suspicious,but then again, it could be Chastity and Carmin. Maybe it was the drug cartel or one of my enumerated cousins. (I'm just gonna tell you right now, it was by marriage.) I figured I could just stop by and take a look at what was happening, then come back or report to U.N.I.T. That didn't work out too well. I just winged it and grabbed my indigo device, I looked around on Map Quest a bit until I found the latitude and longitude of the town. I braced myself and teleported straight there with my translator in hand.
I arrived in the town at about 9:00 am EST, or 1:00 pm GMT. It was not nearly as hot as that place usually was, in fact it was about the perfect temperature for a snowy day in northwestern Pennsylvania. I spied above me and saw one large cloud brimming with moisture. It stretched to the boundaries of the town and just stopped right on the line. This was all very strange for a place so close to the equator. There was no specific place I was told to be, where exactly was I supposed to go? I walked around for a while and took the temperature, 27 degrees Fahrenheit . . . The lowest low that Cabo San Lucas has ever experienced and it was definitely not natural. As I was about to report all this to U.N.I.T, I ran into a man with a sombrero dressed in seemingly every piece of clothing he owned. He was very nice and we had a lovely conversation, he also seemed to know about my current situation and the phone call. I asked him to lead me to whomever the caller was and had agreed to help me. He took me to a local, open roofed, bar and sat me down next to some seemingly law abiding citizens. They were all huddled around like they were trying to keep from freezing. The sombrero man said some Spanish stuff to them and they all looked at me like I was their guardian angel. I am definitely not a guardian angel, though it might be strange I'm only wearing a woven wool zip up jacket, jeans, boots, and a pair of mittens.
The sombrero man turned to me and said, "They want to know why you are not cold."
"I live up by Lake Erie," I responded.
The sombrero man translated to the other people and they shivered in fright.
He turned back, "I am Juan, I will be translating for Mr. Riverez. He would like for you to help us with this dreadful weather."
"Can do Mr. Riverez, I'll try and find what's causing this to happen," I walked out of the bar and immediately called Alex.
The phone rang for about a minute and Alex finally picked up, "Hello?"
"Hello Alex, I have a large snowstorm brewing above Cabo San Lucas and it seems to be unnatural," I stated.
"Ugh, I nearly finished the encyclopedia, too! I'll do a scan on my computer just in case."
"Thanks, man. If you find anything call me back, peace out."
"Alright, goodbye."
After the call I decided to skulk around town and look for anything that could cause this to happen. The only thing I found was a newly installed spire that was supposedly use for people to see the ocean from above. I went to the top of the spire and saw the entire town below me, it was completely barren except for the few locals running from building to building. My phone started to ring.
I picked it up, "Hello."
"Hey, it's Alex, there is a large part of the storm concentrated over a newly installed attraction. It's that big spire meant to have tourists look out onto the ocean," Alex responded.
"I figured it had something to do with it, thank you Alex."
"Your welcome, good luck."
"Right, see you later."
I hung up and investigated the tower a bit more. I found a secret door in the closet and once I did there was a crack of lightning. It was thunder snow for sure. I flung myself around and stared out the glass. The storm was getting worse and I needed to stop it before it broke. Something tapped me on the shoulder, nothing. I turned around and found a pair of sentient hands floating in the air.
"You have discovered me, now you must be frozen," said the sentient hands.
This was going to be a long day.

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