A Penn State Assassination Pt. 4

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When we returned to the scene we found the silence and confronted him.
"So you're the Silence, right?" asked Bow Tie.
"You'd be right my dear Bow Tie, I am a Silence," he said in a whispery voice.
"Why are you terrorizing these people instead of going on your pointless mission?"I inquired.
"Those two people who died were an obstacle in the way of our success," the Silence replied.
"What could those people have done to get in your way?" asked Bow Tie.
"They were the most worthy competitors, I needed to get some information from them. And they refused," The Silence replied.
"That's all the information we needed Mr. Silence," I said to him, "Buh-bye!"
I gestured towards the Erie building and Bow Tie and I began in that direction.
"But... You're not supposed to remember..." The Silence said sadly.

We walked over to the Erie building to see if Madame Kovarian was still there. Fortunately, She was. She was interrogating another competitor with the Silence.
"WHERE IS SHE," the Silence shouted at the person.
"Woah, hold your horses Silence guy!" said Bow Tie, "Don't be mentally scarring that innocent bystander! ... How did you get here so fast?"
"My brothers are swift and plentiful," the Silence replied.
"Well that's just lovely," I said sarcastically.
"Now if you'll excuse us, we need to interrogate this innocent person," Madame Kovarian interjected.
Someone grabbed both Bow Tie and I from behind. It was definitely a Silence, you can't miss those creepy fingers.
"I half expected this," said Bow Tie.
I felt a shock and everything went black.

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