A Sasquatch Excursion Pt. 3

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There was a loud banging noise coming from the forest next to Wigfreid's humble home. All I could think of was running in there and finding the beast. But I couldn't do that, I had to be smart for once in my life, I needed a plan.
After a short while of thinking and tying up Burger Boy I thought to myself, what if the Sasquatch is just a really tall guy stuck in a gorilla suit? So, I shared this information with Bow Tie and Wigfreid and they agreed. We then went off into the wilderness looking for the man.
We approached a large hole in the ground big enough to house a large person in.
"This must be his home, we should hide and wait for him to return," said Bow Tie.
We waited for a few hours until we heard heavy footsteps. I looked up from the rock I was hiding behind and saw the man. I was right it was just a man stuck in a gorilla suit.
"Hello there sir, would you be in need of assistance? It seems you are stuck in a gorilla suit," I greeted the man.
He nodded his head and I walked over and took the mask off.  To my surprise it wasn't a man stuck in a gorilla suit, it was a Big Foot stuck in a gorilla suit.
"Oh, that's not what I expected," I muttered.
"Thank you kind human, I have been trying to get that thing of for weeks," the Sasquatch said in a rough voice.
Bow Tie, Wigfreid, and I stood there in awe as he continued to speak.
"Some hooligans must've dressed me up like a gorilla for their amusement.  All the people around here just want to catch me or shoot me. I can never make up for this, thank you," said Big Foot.
"Y-your welcome," I stuttered my mouth agape, "If you'll excuse me, I need to go wash my brain."
Both Wigfreid and Bow Tie agreed and we all went back to Wigfreid's house without speaking a word.
Once we returned I sat down on the porch next to a tied up Burger Boy.
"Hey officer, did you know that Big Foot speaks English, 'cause I didn't," I said to the police officer.
He strained against his bindings and rolled off the porch. I couldn't help but laugh and so did everyone one else realizing the stupidity of the situation. Bow Tie and I said goodbye to Wigfreid and dragged Burger Boy to the transport.

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