A Phoenix of a Problem Pt.3

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"Here we are, U.N.I.T," The Doctor said as he opened the door.
A hand reached through the door and grabbed him. I ran out of the door and saw it was only Bow Tie.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHO IS THIS!" She shouted in my face.
"I've been looking for you and this is the Doctor or, if you prefer, the cavalry," I responded calmly.
"Who is the one with the bow tie?" The Doctor asked me.
"Take a wild guess, Doctor."
"Bow Tie, you people need better names."
"Where'd you get him?" Bow Tie asked me.
"You know that number the director told us to call? Yeah it was him," I replied pointing to the Doctor, "Have we gotten any hints as to who is doing this, Bow Tie?"
"Fatman Hugo and skinnyguy Joseph are somewhat involved as far as I can tell."
"Who are they?" The Doctor interrupted.
"Finally I have someone to be confused for me. The director just pulled two cocky guys off the street and was like 'Hey do you need work?' then they were like 'Fo shizzle'," I responded, "They take the blame for all the missions we can't remember."
"Bow Tie doesn't seem to have as much trouble with her memory, so why do you?"
"I'm pretty sure I had a terrible memory beforehand, so I have the equivalent to temporary amnesia."
"It's nice to know U.N.I.T has you to count on." The Doctor said with much sarcasm.
"We're really not that good, Doctor," Bow Tie said ashamed, "Enough chit chat, let's go charge into this without thinking!"
"Yeah!" I shouted with enthusiasm.
The Doctor let out a long sigh and we all walked out into the open. The first person I saw was fatman Hugo.
"Aye, Hugo! How've you not been captured!" Bow Tie asked Hugo.
"I am Hugo," Hugo replied in a strange voice.
"Why do you people even try anymore? We took out your main office like a month ago." I said in a disappointed tone .
"We will keep trying until this world burns."
"And that's what I'm here to stop!" The Doctor interjected, " I thought you people were just messing with me, but now that we have a real problem It's my turn!" He stepped aggressively towards fake Hugo, "Who are you?"
"We are the new human race," Hugo said looking at him with blank eyes.
"They're non-human shape shifters. They haven't revealed the name of their race yet, though," Bow Tie said to the Doctor.
"Let's call them... Uh... Lamins (pronounced lame-ins)!" I shouted enthusiastically.
"Lamins? Why's that?"  The Doctor said clearly confused.
"The first time we met them they were occupying the president elect's cabinet and he was in the middle of the period before he became president officially. The only reason there is that period is because of the lame duck amendment. Hence, Lamins." Bow Tie explained to him.
"That is so stupidly over complicated that it just might work."
"Lamins, I like it," fake Hugo said with a sneer.
"Now that is creepy," I said pointing to fake Hugo.
"Now it is time for the plan to commence, I must go."
I grabbed fake Hugo's arm and said, "You aren't going anywhere fatman," I then kicked him in the back of the leg and he fell to the floor. I placed my foot on his chest, "Stay fatman."
"Why are you so violent?" The Doctor asked concerned.
"Well I could've stabbed him if that makes it better for you."
"No! How would that make it better?"
I shrugged in response.
"Use the freakin' gas man," Bow Tie scolded.
"I would if it were fun, which it is not." I replied.

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