Explanations and Introductions (kinda short)

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Bow Tie and I had returned from our vacation to Canada and we were walking into the office when the Doctor came up to us holding several papers.
"Guess what," he proclaimed.
Bow Tie thought a bit until saying, "Did the Lamins come back or perhaps did Carmin and Chastity visit?"
"No dice, guess harder."
"You now have a critical disability that will determine the course of the rest of your life?"
"Uh... Not that I know of. I found out why you're not in any records."
"So, you two were never put into the system because you are a part of the witness protection program! Your parents were indirectly involved with a major alien movement. They had to flee from the aliens because of it, which in turn, made all of your records wonky and it made you not exist."
"So my parents got messed up in an alien thing and I was never born?" I said trying to piece together the story.
"Essentially, yes," He concluded.
I shrugged and set course to my office. I just decided today would be a day of silent contemplation and I began my work. I thought and thought for a while until I was tired of digging around in sour memories. I walked over to a Bow Tie's office to see what she was doing.
"Hey, Bow Tie. How's the day going?" I asked.
"Oh, you know, living breathing," she respond with a sigh.
"Ah, so what're you working on today?"
"Just a novel I'm writing, I call it Bow Tie. It should come out sometime after August, if I get the publisher to agree."
"I'm sure they will agree to it, after all, it's probably much better than you think."
"Thanks, Fez."
After our thrilling conversation there were a few other happenings, but it was ultimately very boring.

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