090 ; sinking deep

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Midori and i both lay on my bed

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Midori and i both lay on my bed

staring up at the ceiling.

Kohaku was fast asleep on the floor mattress already

it turned out his energy didn’ last forever like we thought.

a week from now

she’d be on a plane to england

to a new life

a new start.

and i’d be stuck here

in my same old life

where the only changing tide

is the change of people who come

and go again.

i sighed and turned my head to Midori.

her eyes were closed

and i couldn’t tell if she was asleep but i watched her anyway.

i thought of how complex she was

yet she appeared so simple in front of me

as if waiting to be opened up

waiting for someone to disrupt the outer surface

and get under her skin.

i wondered if i’d done that.

wondered if i’d changed her life

as much she had changed mine.

i watched the rise and fall of her chest

feeling the rhythm sync with mine.

i gently took her hand in mine

and kissed her forehead.

“thank you for coming into my life,” i whispered

and she opened her eyes into mine as i spoke,

“thank you for
making sense
out of my mess.

and thank you
for daring to love me.”


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