028 ; ankles deep

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if there was one thing Midori could have inherited from her aunt

it was her talkativeness.

the lively woman scurried from the kitchen to the living room

offering me   tea  coffee  water

and asking all sorts of questions.

i was startled with the choice and just agreed on tea in unison with Midori.

i was startled with the choice and just agreed on tea in unison with Midori

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Midori hadn't really explained why she ran out earlier

so i hadn't been expecting such a bright welcome into the household.

i was soon informed that her uncle had left for a night shift

allowing peaceful conversation.

outside, the rain hadn't


i had to call papa to say i would be late

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i had to call papa to say i would be late

but to my surprise he seemed happy when i mentioned i had a friend.

the call stayed at the back of my mind

nudging my thoughts

urging me to run home as soon

as possible

even though it was pouring.

Midori sensed my concern.

"don't worry, Sora-chan,

the rain will stop soon. and if it doesn't

i'll walk through the rain with you

even if we both catch a cold."


always the sparkling waves

in the depths of life's ocean.

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