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the movie cinema was relatively empty

much to my relief.

crowds didn't make me feel comfortable and

i wasn't really used to going out in public since before mama left.

Midori insisted on paying for my ticket

saying she wanted to treat her very first friend she made in japan.

appreciated i felt

for the first time in months.

the movie was a comedy but i didn't really laugh

mostly in my head.

Midori on the other hand seemed to enjoy breaking out into

loud laughter

that rang like bells in my ears.

i found myself watching her more than the actual film

i found myself watching her more than the actual film

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observing the way she tugged at strands of her hair

and her cheeks revealed dimples when she smiled

her eyes stark against pale skin

freckles dotting her nose.

and i wondered what it felt like

to be someone so incredibly beautiful

and be so utterly unaware of it.


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