And the bracelets.

The bracelets were just how I imagined. Everyone that came to a show got a light up bracelet making it the prettiest sight I've ever seen. Tens of thousands of people wearing these bracelets all around me, supporting me. Honestly, I got emotional when I stepped onto the stage. But I couldn't because I had to sing from that second on.

My fans are some of the best people ever.

My driver scoops of the four of us and drives us to our reserved restaurant. It's so surreal to think that this is my life. The girl that grew up on a Christmas tree farm is now living this amazing life. My family is traveling along with me but are driving to the restaurant in their own car.

"You really dressed up for the celebration," Ed says with a smirk. I playfully slap his arm and roll my eyes. Everyone knows I need to be comfortable after a show. We arrive at the restaurant and I see my family waiting outside. Quickly, I run over to them and give them huge hugs. My mom, dad, and even my brother was here tonight.

Unfortunately, Austin, my brother, can only see this show and is flying back tomorrow morning. But, he promised to come to as many as he can while I'm touring in America. I get it though, he has his own life. Not everything revolves around me, and it shouldn't. I would have to die if I was the reason he missed a big audition or something. "Great concert, Teffy," Austin says with a smile.

"Whatever, Austin," I say while I roll my eyes. But, a smile still appears on my face when he calls me that nickname. Ali runs over to hug her parents and her brother Austin, as well. A crowd of people start to appear including my some of my dancers. Everyone was starting to arrive already. "Let's go find a table," I say practically having to yell with the sudden amount of people.

I hold Ali's hand so she doesn't get separated from the rest of us. My mom, dad, Austin, Ali, Ed, Selena, and I all sit at a large booth so there's enough room for all of us. "I feel like I could eat a horse," I say.

"I bet after all that dancing," Selena says with a smile. "If that's what you call it."

I glare at her making the both of us start to laugh. A nervous waiter comes over to us and takes our order. I end up getting a cheeseburger with fries and a Coke. However, I'm definitely going to get some dessert after. My family orders some food as well. I can never eat too much before a show so now is the time that I eat like no one has seen someone eat before. Okay, I don't know if that even made any sense.

"I'm guessing you're getting desserts, Teffy?" Austin asks with a smirk. I narrow my eyes and him and try to hide my smile. I notice Ed looking at me a bunch of times that night. Did I have something in my teeth? No, he would've said something about it if I did. So why does he keep staring at me?

Well, maybe he's just looking at the ring on my fourth finger and remembering that he's the one that put it there. I never want to take the thing off. It's a daily reminder of how there is true love out there. And, how strong our love is even though we haven't been together for that long. If it was anyone else proposing and we were only together for that short amount of time, I probably wouldn't have said yes.

Ed's a special man in my life, that's for sure. We've always had a special connection ever since the day we met and begin friends. "Taylor?" I hear Selena say. I look up her, confused.

Did I miss something?

"You just totally zoned out, love," Ed says with a soft smile.

I say, "Oh sorry."

Selena says, "We wanted to know what you thought of the concert."

"I loved it! Everyone was so into it and the bracelets were beautiful," I say with a smile. "I've definetely missed performing."

"Speaking of music, Selena, how's the new music coming?" my mom asks with a smile. She can tell I'm a little spaced out and should focus on another topic that's not surrounding me. Selena's face lights up.

She says, "Amazing! I loved everything and it should be coming out in the fall which is super exciting. We're going to have an epic tour with it!"

"I'm so glad to hear that!" my mom says, giving Selena a warm smile. "Shall we get some dessert?"

I smile, "Yes!"

The waiter, as if on cue, walks over to ask us about desserts since we all plowed through our dinner. I settle on a cheesecake because it's just simple after that huge meal. And, it's pretty late so I don't want to get sick. I have a show tomorrow! "Just a cheesecake?" Ed teases me.

"For now," I say with an eyeroll making him kiss the top of my head. Literal butterflies flutter in my stomach. How does a simple kiss on the head do that to me? The service is super fast meaning I had my beautiful slice of cheesecake in front of me.

I'm so lucky to live this life with these amazing people.


Hey guys!

Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure since Lil Sis is now over.  I'm even more excited for this book, the sequel, than Lil Sis which means I think you guys will like it.  I'll probably do weekly update and maybe some surprise ones throughout the week.  We'll just have to see how it goes.

Thanks for reading!


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