Worth Beyond Beauty

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Vivian's POV

"I knew you would come out." I place a hand over my heart, as Sebastian scares me.

He was standing outside the dorm room. I give him a glare and grab his hand. Guiding him out of the building, I hit him on his bicep.

"Why were you standing outside? To scare me?" I scold him. Sebastian has a straight face, while his eyes hold amusement.

"Did you have lunch?" He asks me.

"No. I just woke up." I answer. I had learnt that it was no use to lie to him.

"When did you sleep last night?"


"Vivian." He gives me a strong look. My hand hadn't left his yet, so he guides me to his car.

"I fainted, it was 7 at that time I guess." I wanted to lie, but I didn't.

"Did you take your meds yesterday?"

I shake my head negatively.

"I want you to have each of your meal with me now." He says.

"Not possible." I answer.

"Let's hope that I can make it possible." He said, determined. "Let's have lunch now." He said.

I slowly turn the handle of the door, and open it. Cautious of what I would see, I entered the dorm. Alex and Thea were sitting on the couch, the TV running at low volume, while they talked. At the sound of my entrance, they both became silent.

Thea got up and rushed towards me. Before I could say anything, she crushed me into a tight hug. I returned the embrace.

"I am so sorry, Viv. I didn't think before asking. I know that you want to protect us and I appriciate it. I am very sorry for hurting you." She said in one breath. I chuckled at her behaviour. This is the Thea I know.

"Apology accepted." I said. It was my thing, I didn't say 'it's okay' because it would mean that the person could do the same thing again.

She release me and moves back.

"Now enough of this, Viv you have to get ready." Alex speaks up.

"Ok." So thats how I start getting dressed up, while Alex and Thea pick out the accessories to go along with the dress.

Putting on the dress, I ask Alex to zip it up. Sitting on the bench in front of the dressing table, I ask the girls to start.

In 20 minutes, they were done. My hair was kept open and in waves. I had platinum and ruby earings, with a small ruby neclace. Alex had asked me to wear a diamond ring, the same one I had worn last time. I put it on my ring finger.

My makeup was done minimal on the eyes, while red lipstick adorn my lips. I put on red kitten heels, and took a matching clutch. Once I was ready, Alex passed me a plate of french toast. I take it from her and finish half of it in ten minutes. Seeing the time, I bid them farewell and go down to the car, which was waiting for me.

Soon the driver takes me to Sebastian's residency. The driver stops the car, and I message Sebastian to come down.

I see as Sebastian emerges from the building. He was wearing a dark grey suit, a dark red tie in his hand while his other hand held flowers, it was a bouquet of some red flowers. He entered the car and passed me the tie.

The driver starts driving, while putting up the divider between him and us.

I take the tie and adjust Sebastian's shirt collar. Tying the tie around his neck, I pull and push through. Once I am done, I adjust it once and move back.

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