Blunt And Bold

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Vivian's POV

"I think you have officially gone mad." I had a grin on my face while I looked around. "This is freaking dope." There aren't much things that surprise me. But this, my God.

"I know." He said, smugly. The place we were at, is supposedly Sebastian's hideout. It was an old house, supposed to be locked down from years but he had the keys. The place from inside looked like my type of heaven.

"Can I spray paint a wall?" There were soo many things around the furniture-ridden hall. Roller skates, skateboard, spray paints, water guns and much more.

"Go ahead. Christmas comes once right?" And that's how I spent my whole day, spray painting names and places on the wall.


"So how was your day?" Thea asked. Alex and I sat on the three seater couch, our feet on each other. Thea was sitting crossed legged on on the other single seat couch.

I had returned some time back, after dropping off the gifts for my childhood besties. They were the ones who were with me all these years. I had met Thea and Alex later on.

"My brother gifted me a gold charm bracelet, and mum gave me a cooking book, and a Segway." Alexia showed her wrist which had a beautiful bracelet with rose gold charms.

"That's pretty." I comment, staring at it intensely.

"Yeah, it's gorgeous." Thea said, "What about you Viv?" She looked at me.

"I wanna know too, since you were gone the whole day, like from morning." Alex gave me a questioning eye.

"I told you about that deal with Kathy. I was gone with Ian- Sebastian."

"So what did you do?" Thea switched off the TV.

"Nothing much."

"You met with Bennet?" Alexia asked, to which I shook my head.

"Nah. He was with Mr and Mrs Jackson." I replied, taking out my phone after feeling it vibrate in my hoodie pocket.

1 Message from Nuthead

We will meet next week. Do not message back.

Oh my god, he has so much attitude.

"I think you should talk to them." Thea said.

"Do you even hear yourself right now?" I ask her, shocked.

"Maybe they want to make things right. You did say earlier that they messaged you." She tried to explain.

"I don't think there is any space for making things right." I said angrily.

"I support you Viv." Alex places a hand on my thigh. "Thea drop the topic."

I appreciated Alex's effort to stop us. I always made sure that we never spoke about this topic.

"So you both ate?" Thea asked to which both of us nodded.

"Yeah I did.- it's almost 12 now. Let's give our gifts." Alex said. She got up to get her gifts for us while we do the same. In some minutes we start our yearly thing.

"To Thea." I pass her the small package that was wrapped neatly.

"To Alex." Thea passed her gift to Alex.

"To Viv." She handed me my gift.

We open our guests. I had received a grey sweater with a pizza on the right corner. It was the kind that I was meaning to buy.

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