Make me.

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Vivian's POV

"We will be leaving now, thank you for having us." I smiled at all the children and got up. It was 2 in the afternoon now and we needed to leave. Giving them all a final wave, me and Ian left towards his car.

"Never took you as a kid lover." Sebastian commented just as the car was back on the main road.

"Never took you as a charity slash gift giver to orphans." I said back. Taking out my phone I see 361 messages. Opening my WhatsApp, I clicked on Thea's contact, since she was the one who sent me like 180 messages.

Viv, where are you!
Answer your damn phone
Atleast tell me if you are fine?!

I read through the messages and then opened Alexia contact. She had sent 173 messages, somewhat similar like Thea's.

The rest eight messages were from one each from Mother and Father, 2 from Eric and 4 from Sean.

My parents had left a message 'Merry Christmas' which I did not open. While Eric had sent a party invite and Bennet, my brother, had wished me a Merry Christmas and asked me how I was.

"Where should I drop you off?" He asked, driving towards the main city.

"Let's see, where are you going?" I asked him in return and turn towards him, my seatbelt never put on. I sit crossed legged with my hand changing the stations of the car's music player, searching for a song I like.

"Just say where you want to go." He replied shortly. I stop on the station playing Call me maybe, as I saw him flinch a little.

"Your stare was holdin',
Ripped jeans, skin was showin'
Hot night, wind was blowin'
Where do you think you're going, baby?" I sing along, as loud as possible. "HEY I JUST MET-" He changes the song.

"Where should I drop you?" He asked me again, annoyed with me not answering him.

"Take me where you are going, I have nothing better to do anyways." I said.

He parked the car near a sidewalk. "Get out." He pointed at the door and stared at me.


"I said get out." He said, as calm as the bigass rock on the sidewalk, that I wanted to hit him with. Giving him a big smile, I get out of the car.

"Send you later, alligator!" I waved at him, once I shut the door. He seemed a little shocked that I got out but then left.

"Okay Viv, where the fuck are you right now." I take out my phone and open the GPS. "An hour to get to the dorm- Are you fucking kidding me?" I look up to the snowing sky. God is so on my side. "Happy birthday, and thank you for ruining my day." I say to the sky.

Walking wherever the way leads, I plug in my earphones. All around me people where with their loved ones. No reason for me to return to the dorm, since Thea has left to her parents house and Alexia went to meet her family who came from London, her brother and mother.

I am sure my family would be having an amazing time, eating a good meal, having a good talk, inviting those people and not even thinking that they have a daughter somewhere.

I don't need them and they don't need me.

My phone starts ringing and I pick it.

"Hello, brother." I greet him. My bother, Bennet is 3 years elder than me. Happily married with a baby on way, him and Kelly are in heaven.

"Hi, Winnie." He calls my nickname too, the same one I got when I used to sneak out chocolate bars at night.

"So, brother. How did you remember me today?" I speak, kicking the plastic bottle on the road.

"Vivian, come home this year atleast. Mum and Dad need you here." He tries convincing me.

"Well brother, tell them that when I needed them where the fuck where they. Actually don't say that. Tell me to start believing that they don't have a daughter anymore. So...How is Kelly doing?" I burst out, then regaining my calm I change the damn topic.

"She is doing fine. Winnie, I understand, I will deliver your message. Atleast enjoy Christmas, I have sent your gift at your hostel room. Get yourself some food, okay?" He knows when to push me and till where. But I can't be angry with him, since he was with me when I needed him.

"Bye, brother. Merry Christmas." I cut the call, without waiting for his reply.

I may have taken just two steps when I heard a horn, turning to my left and the road, I see Sebastian's car going at the same pace as mine. The window rolled down he looks at me.

"Get in." He orders. Oh my God, look at his attitude.

"No thank you, my great saviour."

"I will not repeat it, get inside." He threatens.

"Make me." I give him my resting bitch face. I wish for him to do something, but he just parks the car. Getting out of the car, I realize his intentions and start running. I hear his footsteps behind me and in second I am in his arms. I am about to scream but his glare shuts me up.

He puts me in the passenger seat and closes the door. I try to open it, but he has put the child lock on. Damn him!

He gets into the car and starts driving. "What do you want to eat? KFC is fine?" He asks me. I look at the time and it's 2:45 PM.

"I am not hungry."

"Okay so KFC it is." He completely ignores me.

"Drop me off at the Sunset Apartments, 26th cross." I said, trying to get away from the situation.

"After we eat." He replied.

"I said drop me off at the Sunset Apartments." I grind my teeth, I wanted to leave and he did too some time back.

"Calm down. It's better not to leave you alone today, and since I have nowhere to go, you will be with me the whole day."

I gape at his bluntness. "How do I know you won't kill me or something?" I asked him.

"Well for the starters, I am not hungry enough to become a cannibal." His stare remained on the road ahead, which was good since I was no where close to wanting to die yet.

"That doesn't seem to assuring." I state. And the music changes. Hide Away by Daya starts playing. My mood changes. "Let's just do it." I smile at him and then sing along the song. "Where do the good boys go to hide away?"

"I'll show you mine." He says. And then the our route changes. Maybe today won't be such a bad day.


A/N: So what do you think about this chapter? I hope that I would write longer but I just don't feel like it.

Love, Milk

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