My Hand Over His

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Vivian's POV

"Where are you going?" Alex asks me. I put on my shoes and grab a coat for myself.

"Sebastian is waiting for me. Bye." I inform and leave the dorm. Going down, I spot Sebastian's car and get inside. He gives me a small smile and starts driving.

None of us say anything, the radio plays in the background. I found it hard to believe that I was up at 7 in the morning, on my own will waiting for this guy.

"Did you have your breakfast?" He asks, to ahich I shake my head. There was no use of lying. "Do you like coffee?"

"I don't hate it. You?"

"It's kind of my sidechick. I don't think that was the right word. I turn to coffee when life fucks me up." I just realized something about him.

Sebastian eitger spoke too much or too less, it all mattered on his mood. But it amused me and I didn't mind it.

"So who's your main?" I joke. It was a lame joke but oh well.

"The guys." He answered seriously.

"How long have you been friends?"

"Our whole lives."

"That's a long time."

"Tell me about it."

"Hey. That reminds me, we have this little function to attend tomorrow. I forgot to tell you yesterday." I tell him.

Mr Elour, had returned back from France for this week, and for his welcome, some men kept this party. It was important for me, because this man was very famous in the jewel department.

"It's small right?" He asks me.

"Yeah totally." I lied.

"Are we actually going to an animal shelter? Seriously?" I ask. I was actually happy about this one but the tone that came out was totally opposite.

"Yes we are. I am running out of ideas and we have only completed 3 deeds. This is the 4th, counting the one I did alone yesterday."

"I am actually glad. Now let's do this."

We walked in and the condition of the shelter wasn't that bad. We just had to get the dogs and puppies bath, clean their rooms out, and feed them. Our day went great doing just that.

I ended up donating some money to the animal shelter. The authorities were content when we left.

4 down. 4 more to go.

From there Sebastian and I went to get some lunch. He took me to this local diner. We had some pizza and Pepsi.

"What's your favorite color?" He asks me, mid bite.

"Black." I replied.

"I was totally expecting blue, for it is my eye color."

"You are too full of yourself." I chuckle, taking another bite of the pizza. It was becoming a little easier every next bite.

Once I finished two pieces I knew I was done, so I leaned back and let Sebastian eat.

"What about you?"

"Nothing in particular." He answered vaguely.

"What's your go to place to have fun?"

"The basketball court." That I could have guessed. He was the lead star of our college.

"Interested in photography?"

"You could say so. What is your interest?" He asks. I spot a camera flash from my right. Sebastian notices this one.

"Not being stalked." I mumble. "Designing." His eyes hold amusement. My change in posture made him chuckle, it offended me.

"You can relax. If you want the whole world to know that we are together, you should at least look comfortable around me."

"Can we leave?" I ask him. He nods and finishes the rest of his pizza slice. After paying, we leave the place and get inside the car. He starts driving.

My phone buzzes, indicating that I have received a message.


See you tomorrow, babe.

My hands start shaking, seeing the message. I knew who it was. I wished I didn't. I blocked the number and delete the message.

Take deep breaths.
Take deep breaths.
Deep breaths


"Hey what's wrong?" Sebastian asks. His hand places on my thigh. I shut off the phone and put it in my pocket.

The warmth of his hand sooths me.

Don't rely on him.

I concentrate on his hand, he had a tattoo on his hand. It was a small cresent moon, on his pinky finger.

He tried to remove his hand but I stopped him. I placed my hand over his.

It was a little action. A small one.

My hand over his.

But it helped me.

"I want you to know that I have a very rocky relationship with my par- Mr and Mrs Jackson. I have many enemies, they want me gone. I want you to realize that if you agree to be with me, you have to face the danger. You can't back off after this point. Give me an answer by tomorrow. If you want to carry on, then come tomorrow, if you don't, then message me."

With that I release his hand, as if his touch burned me. It ignited me but I will not admit it.

He remained silent, and it made me disappointed.

You fall too fast. Stop yourself. Leave him. Loath him.

I got my answer but I would wait till tomorrow. We reached the parking of the dorms. I got out and still Sebastian hadn't uttered a word.

I didn't jump to conclusions. Opening the car door, I get out. He follows..?

"Thank you for the ride." I say, staying rooted to my place while he advances towards me. He was too close, two steps away. "What are you-"

"You think I would just leave you? I don't need time. Here is my answer." His hand snakes around my waist as his lips claim mine.


*pushes the fangirl me back*
oh shut up. *coughs* Yeah. Hi. Sooo...did you like this chapter.

Any thoughts on whats gonna happen next.

By the way should I make an instagram account where I will post sneak peeks? Will u people see that?

Love, Milk

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