Collided The Final Chapter

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Chapter 60

Collided: The Final Chapter

2 months later

Maya's P.O.V

"Your so beautiful, I can't wait till the next day when it's just you and me and no one else to bother us."

"Uuahhh! Lucas!! Don't rush" I sit on Lucas lap as we just laugh together.

I can't believe today's the day.

The day were I marry Lucas Friar

"I love you so much" I put my hand on his cheek as I look into his eyes.

"I love you more my love" I giggle a little and kiss him.

Getting Ready

"I think im a cry. You look so georgeous!" Topanga squealed.

"Aww thank you!! I'm so glad your here to help me" I put a hand of hers "Of course. Your like my daughter" I nod and give her a hug.


"You ready?!" Riley's eyes glimmered in excitement.

"Ready as ever."

The music started to play.

"I can't believe I Corey Mathews am walking you down the aisle" I look back and recieved him with a smile.

"And I can't believe I'm having that honor" I joked as we hug.

"Oh my girl your growing so fast, please take care of yourself."

"Of course. Nobody can miss with this."

I give him a soft smile then grabbed hid arm "Let's go.. dad!"

We walk down the aisle and everyone is on their feets but my eyes were focused on Lucas.

The love of my life.

My everything.

"Dearly Beloveds and Honored Guests: We are gathered here this day in the sight of God and the company assembled to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows."


"I know I have said before that I love you with all I am, all I have been, and all I ever shall be - with all my heart and soul- and now I offer my proof. This ring is the offering of my being- all my heart and soul and health. All I have and all I ever will have.

It is yours as I am yours - as I always have been yours and will be yours. I love you with all of my being.

I love you enough to set aside all my promises, all my swears, all my bitterness, and take instead the one thing I have seen ruin so many- the thing that is as dangerous in my eyes as it is beautiful.

Your last name and, with it, the hope that maybe it really is possible for two people to find a happily ever after in their own stories."

I didn't even know but I started to cry.



As I have always told you, you are the only exception. I had always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance and up until I met you I had sworn to myself that I was content with loneliness, because none of it was ever worth the risk.

From the moment I met you I knew you were different, you were honest, sincere, loving and most of all trustworthy.

You were the anchor I needed when I needed it most. You helped me trust and gave me a reason to trust. You have walked with me through some of my darkest days and never left my side. You helped me to be the strong, independent person that I am.

Lucas, our miracle lies in the path we have chosen together. I enter this marriage with you knowing that the true power of love is not to avoid changes, but to navigate them successfully. Let us commit to the miracle of making each day work together.

I commit to you my love, my devotion and my loyalty. I vow to continue to work on myself for the good of our marriage; I vow to always see our problems through to the end and in doing so fighting for us. Because you my everything, are the only exception."

"Do you Lucas Friar take this woman Maya Penelope Hart to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in heath, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Do you Maya Penelope Hart take this man Lucas Friar to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."

Nope. There better be no one.

We exchange rings.

"By the authority vested in me by the State of New York I now pronounce you man and wife and what God hath joined together, let no man nor woman put asunder."

Cheers are heard through out the church as me and Lucas kiss.

I laugh so loud as he swings me around "Ahh!"

"I love you so much!"

"I love you more my Maya Friar."

"Yuck! That sounds terrible" I joke.

"Oh shut it" I give him a smile.

"Not as much as I love you my Lucad Hart" he gives me a look.

"Oh.... what am I going to do with you?"

"Whatever you want big guy."

And again we kissed.


Author's Note:

Sorry I forgot to update I was watching Glee all over again.

What you think of the last chapter?

Hope you liked!!

Thanks for everything!


Collided (Lucaya)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora