Ron part three

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this a a continuation of an older imagine, you should read the first two parts if you haven't to be caught up.



me and carl have decided to take Judith on a picnic beside the pond. we are gathering our things and I grab Judith and her blanket that she can't live without and head out to meet Carl at the pond. We arrive and Judith is getting whiney. "Hey babe" I say to Carl and I approach him and kiss him on the check. "Hey, did you bring Judith's bo-" before he says anything else I pull out Judith's baby bottle with her milk in it and give it to her. I hand her over to Carl and lay down a quilt. I pick up the basket Carl had brought with our food in it and set it on the blanket. I grab Judith and sit her down. She pulls the bottle out of her mouth and starts talking gibberish. I sit down and get some applesauce and begin to feed her. "It looks like it might rain (y/n)." Carl says looking up at the sky. I look up and see grey clouds hovering us. Soon I feel slight raindrops on my head. "We have to go inside Judith. Maybe another day we will come back." I hand her to Carl and stand up. Right as I'm turning to get Judith all I can see is a dark figure coming at me and then water. I am being held under water against my will and everything is blurry. I can't move or scream, it's like my body is paralyzed and I'm watching it happen. After a second I begin to struggle as my lungs fill with water. I feel a very sharp pain in my thigh and then nothing.

Carl's pov;

(Y/N) hands Judith to me as she stands up. Right as she turns around she is thrown into the water. It all happened so fast. But I know exactly who this is. Ron. I set Judith down and when I look up he has stabbed her with a knife. I run over to the pond and jump on top of him. I drag him out of the water and thrown him on the bank. I take out my gun and shoot him twice in the leg, so he can't get away. I run back over to the pond and grab (Y/N)'s body out of the water. I lay her on the ground and begin to yell. "SOMEBODY HELP US. PLEASE!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I begin to press on her chest with both hands. Soon a couple people come over and take over. I see Olivia out of the corner of my eye running over with Dad by her side. I look down at (Y/N) and just begin to cry. The others load her onto a metal table and roll her over to Olivia's house. "Dad it just. I-" I broke down and started crying and dad grabbed me into a hug. "It's okay son, you ain't gotta talk to me about it right now. Come on." Dad says leading me over to Olivia's house, in the pouring rain. I walk in and see that Olivia is hovered over (Y/N). "I need rick and Carl to come hold her legs down. She can not move or it could bust an artery in her leg and she could bleed out and die. but I need more people." Soon I see Daryl bust through the door with Aaron  trailing behind him. "Daryl, I need you to come hold her upper body so she doesn't lift up and cause the artery to bust." Daryl quickly through his cross bow down and ran over to (y/n). Daryl has always had a soft place for (y/n), always there to protect her. Me and Dad latch onto her legs and grip them tight. I look up at her as she begins to wake up. "(Y/N) listen to me very very carefully. There is a knife that is in your thigh and you can not move or you will bleed out and die. It's going to hurt but you have to stay still. Rick,Carl, and Daryl are here to hold your body still. Scream if you have too." As Olivia is explaining all this her face looks terrified, confused, worried, and in pain. God I just want to hold her and wipe away her tears. I watch her as she motions for Aaron to come over to her. He quickly runs over to her side and she grabs his hand. Daryl is wiping her tears away and talking to her but I can't make out what over the loud thunderstorm outside. "Are you ready?" Olivia asks to everyone. We all nod and I look at (y/n). She looks directly in my eyes and I begin to cry myself. Olivia puts both her hands on the knife and begins to pull it out. (Y/N) is screaming horrifically out in pain. "Come on get it out of her!" I yell tears streaming down my face onto her legs. Finally Olivia has extracted the knife and she cleans up the wound. (Y/N) is laying there breathing hard. I let go of her legs and walk up to her. I wipe the tears away and brush her hair out of her face. I look down and Olivia is stitching the knife wound up. When I look back at (y/n) her eyes have closed and her body is still. "(Y/N). no. No no no. Olivia!" I begin to yell. Daryl comes out of the other room along with the others and is right by my side. "Carl she isn't dead, she has fallen asleep because of fatigue or loss of blood. I promise she is okay." Olivia says. "Just to reassure you, here." She hands me one of those things doctors use to check your heart beat. I put them to my ears and take he cold metal circle thing and put it on her wrist. I hear the beautiful rhythm of her heartbeat and faintly smile. I set it down on the table and grab (y/n)'s hand. I kiss her forehead and see dad is motioning me outside. I look at her and then turn around and go outside. Daryl, Dad, Aaron, Abraham, and Glenn are all sitting outside. "What the hell happened??" Daryl jumps up and asks. I explain everything to them and finish with I shot him twice in the leg. "He's a dead mother fucker." Daryl spits as he grabs his crossbow and starts down the porch. "Take me to where he is grimes. Now." He says, furious. I look at dad and the others and they nod their heads and follow along. We get to the pond and he's not in the spot I left him laying. "He was right here." I point to the spot on the bank. "There's a blood trail over here that leads to the gate. Come on." Glenn says as we jog along the trail we open the gate and see him leaned up against a car. Daryl doesn't hesitate and pulls up his bow. "Woah hang on Daryl. Just wait." Rick says. We all walk up to him. Daryl grabs him and slams him into to car. He lets out a grunt and spits up blood. "Why." Daryl asks getting into his face. Ron doesn't say anything. He just spits in Daryl's face. Without thinking he punches Ron in the face and sends him to the ground. He pulls up his bow and is about to shoot. "okay... I'm sorry. I loved her. I couldn't have her. She loves him!" He cries out, looking at me. "You love her but you try to kill her!" Daryl spits out. Finally I have had enough and I pull out my gun. I cock** it back and have it pointed right at his head. "Wait Carl. I have a proposition." Aaron says. "Why don't we banish him?" He says. Everybody agrees. Daryl grabs him up and gets in his face. "If I ever see you anywhere near these walls again, I will not hesitate to put an arrow straight through your fucking head." He throws Ron down. I grab a knife and stab him in the same spot he stabbed (y/n). "Now you know what it feels like. Get the fuck out of here." I spit standing up. Ron gets up and turns around and staggers away. We all watch as he disappears into the woods. We all turn around and go back to Olivia's, silently. Once we arrive deana is there and tells us to go to work. Everyone goes except me and Daryl. I refuse to leave her in there by herself. "Daryl, Carl, you both need to go back to work. Carl I know I haven't assigned you anything but I'm sure you can help Daryl. I expect you two to be gone by the time I get back." Deana says walking away. "I'm not going anywhere Daryl." I say getting annoyed. "I ain't either kid, but I'll sit out here, you go on and stay with (y/n). Come get me when she wakes up, okay?" He asks furrowing his brow. "Okay, I will." I say turning around and opening the door. Daryl has always been the guy who shows no feelings towards anyone, really. But with (y/n), it's completely different. He cares for her so much just like a father would. I know it makes him happy to see her smile, and be safe and that's all he wants. And I'm glad she has a father figure in her life, because she has never had any family since the beginning of this hell. I walk down a hallway and turn the corner, inside a dimmed room, lays my angel, peacefully asleep. She's cleaned up, and her clothes have been changed into her favorite hoodie and pajama shorts and long socks. She's curled up into a ball and she looks cold, I can see the chill bumps on her legs. I walk over to her bed and sit down beside her. I pull the covers from her feet and pull them gently up to her shoulders. I tuck her in and push her hair behind her little ear. I grab her fingers and wrap mine around them. I look at her and her eyes are fluttering open. I smile, and daw over my sleepy princess. She opens her eyes and yawns, following with a stretch. She looks up and me and grins. "Hey baby." She says in her sleepy voice that is really fucking cute and attractive. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" I say brushing my hand on the side of her face. "I'm perfectly fine now that I have you with me." She says grabbing my hand and pulling me close. I bury my head into her shoulder and hold her close. After a minute I lift my head up and place my hands on her face and kiss her. It wasn't just any kiss. It was a long, meaningful, "I never want to leave" kiss. I pull away and grin at her. "Daryl really wants to see you okay? I'm gonna go get him." I say squeezing her hand and getting up. I walk onto the porch and Daryl immediately jumps up. "Is she okay? Is she awake?" He asks frantically. "Yes she's fine, she's down the hallway on the left." He throws his bow down and barges into the house. I follow him into the room and he's holding her hand and tears are streaming down his face. "Daryl, i promise I'm okay. Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm fine." She says wiping away his tears. I grab a chair and pull it up on the other side of her bed. "I want both of you to know that I love y'all so much. And it means the world to me that I have two people like you that care about me. So thank you." She says squeezing my hand. I look at her and smile, knowing that everything will be okay. and that I will never leave her side. Never.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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