Cabin Pt.3

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Yes this is the last part

I throw the guy off of me and see Daryl and Rick standing there. I roll over and untie the knots on Carl's wrists. Once I get them loose I grab ahold of him so tight hoping to never let go. I cry into his neck as he lifts me onto his waist. Daryl and Rick leave as I let go of Carl and put on my clothes. We grab the things we threw in the basket and head downstairs. "What the hell happened?" Rick asked as him and Daryl were collecting the guns from the body's lying on the floor. "Me,(Y/N),Ron,Mikey,and Enid were here just looking around when they left me and (Y/N) were collecting food from the cabinets and they were all running towards the house and we ran up stairs and they caught us. They beat me up and started things to (Y/N)." Carl says grabbing my hand. He throws the supplies to Daryl as he catches it. "Well don't ever leave like that again... You two could've gotten killed." Daryl says glaring at me with worry in his eyes. "We're okay Daryl I promise." I say as I let go of Carl's hand and go hug Daryl. He hugs me back and kisses my forehead. "Okay let's go back." Rick says as we gather all the supplies and head out the door. Me and Carl walk slowly behind Rick and Daryl as they keep looking back at us. "Are you okay Carl?" I ask as he grabs my hand. "I'm fine..are you good?" He asks looking me in the eyes. "Yeah...I'm good." I say as Daryl turns around. "Cmon we ain't got all day speed it up!" He yells looking at me. When he turns around I look at Carl. "I love you (Y/N)." He says pulling me into a hug. "I love you too Carl." I say hugging him back. We continue to walk hand in hand until we get to Alexandria. Ron and Enid meet us as we are walking up our steps. "Hey...are you guys okay?" Ron asks walking up to me. "Yes we're fine." I say as I give him and Enid a reassuring look. Me and Carl walk inside and go into our room. We both go into the bathroom and strip down clothes. I turn on the shower as we both step inside. I stand under the water as it runs over my hair and my face. I turn around and just hug Carl. I let go as he pulls the back of my neck up to his face. We connect lips and kiss each other passionately. We finish up showering and step out. I wrap up in a towel and throw my hair up into a towel. I give Carl another kiss before I walk out to our closet. I throw on one of Carl's shirts and some comfortable sweatpants. Then Carl walks in and already has on some shorts leaving him shirtless. I take down my hair and brush it out and braid it back. I walk over to Carl who is already in the bed and lay down next to him. I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his around my waist. I nuzzle my head into his chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating........

Love u

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