Cabin Pt.2

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Anyways back to the story......
The typos are really bad so beware

I slide off of Carl and stand up. "Ron.....what are you doing?" I ask quite annoyed. "(Y/N)....I thought you liked me." He says sadness spreading across his face. " I just like you as a friend what happened earlier didn't mean anything I-I'm sorry you thought about me like that Ron your like one of my really good friends I've never thought of you like that-I'm sorry Ron I'm with Carl now." I say feeling terrible that I lead him on. "Okay.....I'm gonna go back now we all are." Ron said a crack in his voice at the end. He turns around and walks out with Mikey and Enid following behind him. When I hear the door slam shut I turn around to Carl standing right behind me. "I-I didn't know he thought about me like that I'm-Im sorry Carl that happened." I say as he grabs my hands. "It's okay (Y/N) so about what you said earlier are we like....official now?" Carl asks squeezing my hands staring into my deep brown eyes. "Yeah we are Carl we are." I say smiling as he leans down and our lips connect and move in sync. After a few minutes we pull apart and head down stairs. We stop and grab some supplies from the cabinet. This place hasn't even been touched it's so clean and fresh. Then there's a lot of noise outside. We run over to the door and look outside. Here comes running a huge group of teenagers wrestling and some of them are running towards us. Me and Carl hurry up and run back to the kitchen and grab out things and head up the stairs. We go back into the bedroom and of course we panic hearing some of the teenagers coming up the stairs I throw the supplies into the dirty clothes basket and cover them up as me and Carl climb under the bed. Then at least 5 of them enter the room at once. "Hey you little cunts! Come out we all saw you come in here!" One of them yells. They sound about our age. Once they search the room me and Carl just decide fuck with it and crawl out form u see the bed. Immediately they surround us. "Okay listen we don't want any trouble just let us go." Carl says holding up his gun as I hold up line that Enid gave me earlier. "Well why don't we just have a little fun first?" The boy who was yelling earlier suggested as he steps closer to me. "What the hell do you want from us?!" I yell tightening my grip around the gun. Carl moves in front of me a little bit. Then out of nowhere two teenagers come and take Carl on the grouse pinning him down. "CARL!" I scream but before I can move the boy who was speaking to us had me pinned against the wall. Then I felt a very sharp pain in the side of my arm and then the last thing I remember was seeing Carl screaming my name and reaching for me and me falling on the ground then complete darkness..............

When I woke up I'm tied down to the bed In the master bedroom. I manage to get the cloth out of my mouth. "HEY! WHAT THE HELL...WHERES CARL!" I scream then 5 guys barge into the room. "Shut up." The boy who had knocked me out snapped as he walked over to me. "Explain this to me...NOW!" I yell now he's sitting down next to me. "I'm Adam." He says pushing my hair out of my face. "That's Nate,Gage,Zane and Miles." He says pointing each of them out to me. "Where the FUCK IS CARL?!" I scream trying too get loose of the poorly tied knots. "I told you to shut what's your name." He ask giving me a smirk. "(Y/N)." I croak out pulling my ace away from him. Then the boys named Nate and Miles leave the room leaving the door open. Then Adam gets up and just starts pacing the room. "I said where in the fuck is Carl?" I say getting very anxious. Then the two boys come in dragging Carl with them. I sit up and pull at the knots. They throw him down beside me and tie him up. His face has been bruised and cut and dry blood is all over his poor face. "CARL!" I yell attempting to get over to him. Carl's eyes flutter open as he sees me he perks up and looks around. "What the hell....." He says looking at his tied up hands. "Okay so we don't know you and you don't know us. We are just trying to survive and we have needs that need t be taken care with that being said......" Adam says just as he climbs on top of me and smashes his face into mine. Carl is pulling with all his strength to get out of the knots. The other people leave closing the door. The Adam guy starts to unbutton my jeans. I kick and scream but nothing is working. He pulls down my jeans along with my tank top. "CARL!" I yell looking over at him tears streaming down his face. Then the door bursts open and in an instant the Adam guy is laying dead on top of my body.........

There will be a part 3

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